They are called different things. Some people call them cope cages. Others call them turtle tanks.
In all, the idea is that if you have one of these meshes, drones cannot drop ordinance inside of the tank.
Unfortunately, it is not recommended to do this, as a bigger target gives your position away.
Some of the equipment or escape vectors are blocked off.
But it also does nothing extra to protect the tank from the impact of Javelin missiles, or a tank round, a Bradley auto cannon. Or even from a drone that detonates over it.
Though most drones don’t aim for the mesh, but the back of the tank, the tank tracks (Wheels), or the base of the turret which are the weak points.
Be offended then, because watching my government play clown for this genocide is disgusting.
Do these guys know what 2,000 lb bombs do? Because if they do then we should take the bombs away. And if they don’t, we should take the bombs away.