And what about us that already give yearly if not more, you want us to register to not have it? Or just get this spam for reasons?
And what about us that already give yearly if not more, you want us to register to not have it? Or just get this spam for reasons?
Nah fuck the USA, dont support us while we have this man fucking around.
where is the same reports about the deaths of innocents in Palestine?
What a great face!
This is the way, when we have new kittens or cats that are on the property and have been using the food, water and seeing the others go inside. I just go out near the food area (like 10 to 15 ft) and just watch youtube, read the internet, dont look at them for the most part. When they come up I look, slow blink at them and go back to what I was doing (from my understanding this is like hey I saw you, dont view you as a threat and you are welcome in my space). Some times its 30 min when they sniff me or a few hours. It helps a ton if you have other cats that are known to them (we have a lot of near by strays and barn cats that know us), and they will be like oh hey your on the ground wanna cuddle or give pets! It really lets them see like well they are cool, maybe I can get a bit closer.
Once they are in range of petting, RESIST!!! Let them get like a foot away and then offer a hand for sniffs. Go SLOW, if they start to move back, withdraw or hold, if they dont bolt and you held it there they might lean in, once they lean in you can wait and judge or try to offer a pet. Work it from there. Best of luck, they look like a great one, I love the round face!
shes got great spots on her back legs!
We lost our one eyed hermes this year, but I am glad to know there is still another out there. Give him a good cuddle from me.
I always think of Olympic divers when I see my cats like this, that leg extension is wonderful 10/10
I get your feeling, but as someone who is there, I dont, I just wish we didnt worry about anyone elses bedroom unless we were invited in. Its so fucking weird that all these right wing males have to think nonstop about fucking everything, and if it even confuses them or they think all other males are thinking of fucking them they are freaking out.