I’m pretty sure Dean Kamen created a canon to launch people into the upper stories of a building. Maybe they could use that.
Here’s where I’d put my pronouns IF I HAD ANY
Software engineer, massive computer science nerd, sucks at video games, lived all across the US. Former conservative turned total leftist.
Trying out the name Hope.
I’m pretty sure Dean Kamen created a canon to launch people into the upper stories of a building. Maybe they could use that.
I think it’s gotta be. I’m guessing it takes the descriptions of some images, and feeds them into a text to image ai for the example to use?
I find it somewhat regrettable most days.
Is that reaction actually increasing the misogyny though? I kinda expect it’s just bringing out into the open what is already there tbh
I think this is more https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_manicure , no?
Monty Python, being a comedy troupe, consists of humans, which are a type of animal ;)
Each level looks like something I’d expect an undergrad to have at least seen before to be honest.
I was really hoping for a certain word but this was also very fitting.
This is a real incident ticket I saw:
Subject: “broken” Description: “website down”
Given that the website was in fact not down, and they included no details, and they must have been filing it on behalf of someone else as their user-id didn’t have an account at all (it is an internal corporate product), this was a real head scratcher.