Perpetually horny sapphic mommy with crippling ADHD
One day I’m going to regret horny posting on main.
Me consuming my gender conversion drugz.
My guy singlehandedly caused the 4090 shortage
Alright let’s joke around
Wait. So other people get nauseous/vomits when the anxiety hits too?
Why does Lemmy keep wanting to turn me into a furry?
How do sharks sleep if they can’t stop moving?
I need these
Can I replace my HRT with this?
I think you forgot the cheese
There’s no price tag. Must be free.
Hahaha. That caught me off guard. 😂
She looks like she is about to whip her with her own tail.
Aww this is so adorable. I’m really happy to know there are people online that actually likes me existing around here!
Actually I have always been around this past few months though I was just lurking around. Not sure why I stopped commenting on stuff but I’m back now!
The people taking his jobs are going to pay for his drugs bro
it back