Something I’d love to see made a thing: whenever you see him, just walk by and say “fuck off, Nigel”. No more, no less - but if everyone starts to do it… 👍
Something I’d love to see made a thing: whenever you see him, just walk by and say “fuck off, Nigel”. No more, no less - but if everyone starts to do it… 👍
Easy for many to jump on the “fuck Apple” bandwagon, but the EU doesn’t say what they want - just “nope, it’s not that…”.
But if you think about it, millennials could be pushing a dialogue in popular media that Boeing is part of the big industrial war machine, and deserves to die. I’ve heard lesser fabricated arguments on the Internet.
In any event, thanks for the heads up.
That’s it. No more Gouda for you.
Thanks for that. Sometimes I wish /s was more popular here, for tone-deaf people like me.
Grow up
Okay - sorry. Too many trolls have given me a bad reflex action
Makes sense. Highest voter turnout since 1989, voting for Europe and the Green Party/ D66 Liberal Democrats. Left party strong win - so of course non-Dutch media will say there’s a horse race.
It’s also a good lamb name too
So, Bali then. Then you’d know this one - maybe you’re a stupid influencer, and if you take a photograph in a bikini up against the wrong tree – a religious symbol which is unmarked, but yet supposed to be duly noted as being off-limits - you can kiss your visa status goodbye, fined and deported. There are unwritten local and religious rules, managed through local groups which coordinate with the local government. That’s what this is as well.
Please note, I’m not criticizing this. When you are in another country as a guest, you should not just think you can transpose your culture over the native culture and not suffer repercussions.
In a worldview it is entirely not uncommon. I think you find this quite often in enclave/enclosed communities where the native language is not that of the general populace. Also in more closed religious communities. I’ve seen this first hand in Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and even Protestant communities.
You’ve not been to parts of New York, have you? This is quite common.
Damn. Me wants.
Speaking of behalf of many of us in the Netherlands, yeah – we don’t get it either.
IMHO, should never have been allowed on the team.