I love Lilypond! I wrote all of my pieces in that in college. Hated Finale & Sibelius. It’s been ages since I’ve messed with it, but gosh it’s nice to see in the wild!!
I love Lilypond! I wrote all of my pieces in that in college. Hated Finale & Sibelius. It’s been ages since I’ve messed with it, but gosh it’s nice to see in the wild!!
A treehouse in space is all my inner child has ever wanted.
Excellent joke. No notes.
As another longtime Vi user - I had a hell of a time & wound up switching back lol
I think for a lot of folks Helix would be intuitive. Vi has her hooks in me, though.
Oh. I know. But you don’t understand - I’m compelled to type it out. I must.
. Constantly, and for no reason.
Thank you for the write-up!!
Notes while I’m watching:
The “built-in support for mods” caught my eye. That’s pretty slick, and a headache with MC.
tl;dr - it runs on just about everything, and focuses on giving the player an easy-to-mod “sandbox” to play in.
One day I hope to write a “go fuck yourself” email of this caliber.
The scariest thing in the world would be if they gave Sinbad another tv show.
I don’t get NixOS
It’s not for everyone. The idea is to have your entire system reproducible with a few configuration files, which you’d then ideally store in a VCS like git.
I haven’t messed with it, but there is something appealing about the ability to reboot to an older snapshot of the system if an update breaks something, or being able to use a config file to restore your system to the exact OS version and exact versions of whatever apps you use.
🎶 I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me 🎵
First, it robs the creator of their income
… you mean the creators that are currently striking because massive companies Disney, Netflix, and Co don’t want to pay them a living wage?