As long as they haven’t expressed discomfort at being referred to using regular nouns, then. Good to know!
I’m a scalie game developer!
As long as they haven’t expressed discomfort at being referred to using regular nouns, then. Good to know!
What about names? If I decide then and there not to use pronouns at all, and instead refer to that person by name, how would that weigh?
How about “that person” or “that user”?
my mum has been addicted to pimple and blackhead popping videos for the past few months. i’ll ask her for the search terms she uses…
i already have tinnitus; i literally can’t sleep without some noise to block it out.
twitter’s recommendation algorithm keeps serving me absolute bangers and i actually kinda like it :/
we all know american car-centric infrastructure is fuckin evil.
look, you probably know this already, but cars are still the only practical option for most americans; they don’t really have a choice. suburbia is subsidized, and so it simply makes financial sense to live in the suburbs, especially if they can’t afford to live closer to where they work and shop.
it’s great that you care about transportation infrastructure. engage in discussions to inform, of course, but do recognize that it’s policy, not people, at fault.
ok boomer
a furry artist’s nightmare
i’m on boost. i’ve tried quite a few options, but even with the ads, boost just feels like home.
to be clear, i’ve been out to the rest of my family for a long time, and i am very open about my sexuality (even irl, which takes at least some balls because i’m not in a very lgbt-friendly region). the reason i am not out to my father is that he has always been a traditional “man of the house” person, and i am not driving a wedge in our relationship by letting him know that his ideal bloodline ends with me.
if you don’t understand the cultural contexts in which i reside, do not assume my intentions or degrade my decisions.
okay, i’m gay, but this is still relevant.
my dad (who i haven’t come out to yet) thinks colourful underwear is gay, and those are his remarks to seeing that i’ve packed both red and blue undies while we were on vacation last year.
like bro they’re just colours.
just use your phone. you’re taking pictures and video for the memories, not for flawless record-keeping or streaming on live tv or post-game analysis.
Gun control in the US.
Gun control would normally work in any other country, but guns are so ingrained in American culture and history that it is infeasible to simply just implement gun control and expect everything to work.
Couple that gun culture with a whole lot of systemic issues (capitalism, remnants of racist laws, wealth inequality, healthcare, police brutality, education system, firearms safety) and you get the gun violence rampant across the US.
Gun control won’t work on its own. If you want to get rid of guns, you gotta fix everything at the same time, which won’t happen because half the country would vote against progress and their own interests in the name of “owning the libs”.
I’d just keep it simple. It’s a YouTube video, not a college essay.
In order of appearance: