Hesburger? Interesting, I’ll have to look that up, haven’t heard of it.
Hesburger? Interesting, I’ll have to look that up, haven’t heard of it.
“Calls for Europe to stop eating garbage food like Americans.” Sounds like a good idea to me.
I mean, true. But I’d still take anything if I was a kid again, to defend myself in those horrible situations.
“I never thought I’d need this,” one student told Fox 29. {mosads}
But parents and guardians of students told the news outlet that while a bulletproof backpack may be extreme, it’s necessary.
“You hear about these school shootings almost weekly, and I can’t believe that’s where we are in our nation today, but that’s the fact,” said one great-grandparent
Fuck… this was 2018. Sure hope those kids never needed those backpacks.
Canada MP goes NUCLEAR! Canada MP SLAMS Canada MP SAYS A THING
God modern journalism needs new words.
Anyways, all that being said, trumps bait was a major success. He has you talking about stupid shit while he does the real bad things over there, where you aren’t looking while paying attention to he dumbass mouth.
It’s going to be a real rooouuuggghhh four years. Stay safe everyone.
You don’t want to know. Those poor little ponies…
Two of those are 5.56. Two of those are 7.62x51. One of those is an AK.
The g3 platform has several firearms based off it, (I’m blanking on the names right now.), and those weapons have at least several parts that ware transferable. (The bolt and carrier I think.)
Yeah, I’m fun at parties.
“These are dark days for Australian democracy,” Shaked said. “They have chosen to stand on the wrong side of history.”
Uhh… k?
Every comment likely is. I’m not one for stereotyping, but there is a very clear pattern.
Wikipedia articles also can link to more sources off-site, so one Wikipedia link can be dozens if not more sources.
I’m Sorry, is your home instance .ml? Are you serious? Bro get outta here :dumbass emoji:
Afghan women have rights under taliban rule? This is truly sad to read. How many will die over this madness?
China o ly has like 5 roads. The rest are government lies cooked up by the CIA. Don’t belive the lies they are feeding you man.
You seem to have gotten offended. How sad. Poor you. Maybe you should stop being a snowflake? /s
Noooo! Not my Fent! That’s the good stuff! /s
Now they don’t have to be widows or orphans anymore! See Isreal is the good guys /s
Seriously thinking about not looking at the news anymore, there so much terrible bs going on and so little I can do about it. Fucking awful.
I read it as ‘humiliated, Putin’ like it’s his title.
Close, copious amounts of sugar