what a tired bankrupt statement, of course I read it, and yes it confirms USB is a horror show
what a tired bankrupt statement, of course I read it, and yes it confirms USB is a horror show
Is USB-IF paying you?
If you need a TWENTY TWO PAGE document to even start to make sense of USB…it sucks.
You’ve demonstrated quite successfully it doesn’t just suck it REALLY SUCKS
If you have to have an hour long 15 point plan to explain why usb doesn’t suck…it sucks.
And yeah of course I would use that old moto phone 70 pin power connector over usb c. Very clear specs on what it did, and super robust.
If you have to have an hour long 15 point plan to explain why usb doesn’t suck…it sucks.
And yeah of course I would use that old moto phone 70 pin power connector over usb c. Very clear specs on what it did, and super robust.
Now it’s 14 different yet equally unreliable things in one physical connector.
I mean USB is so so so bad and what a lie that USB-C is some universal thing (besides the physical connector)
Nextdoor 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Oh yea Cult Jr is a real thing right now. Which I could life with IF IT WASN’T SO DAMN CLEAR BIDEN WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE no matter how much Blue Maga Cult Jr berates us. I’m voting for Joe if I have to ya dims, it isn’t who you have to convince and your cult Jr bullshit sure ain’t gonna.
Yep, I’d prefer a long shot to no shot which is what Biden gives us.
Nate Silver is terrible and usually terribly wrong, but just step outside the last year and it’s been crystal clear Biden would and will 100% lose the Electoral College to Dump. No amount of Cult Jr telling us to just vote blue no matter who is going to change that. Most Americans don’t know the difference between a row and a column or a watch and a warning, they aren’t thinking critically about Presidential elections.
A travesty we aren’t getting more seasons of Paradise PD and Farzar.
what a bottom barrel intellectually bankrupt accusation