There’s like $100 worth of cups there
All this time money, effort, Ukrainian lives lost and property destroyed to get to this point just for Trump to swoop in and save… Russia
Ukraine should know better than to appease dictators
Trump will have mayhem if he tries to hamstring Ukraine
How do we pronounce Nissan in mandarin?
I kinda thought using the first vaccine and the most current vaccine in my explanation would infer that I am aware of the difference
The question is meant to be more conceptually overarching and abstract
Because the glare would be blinding
I feel attacked and/or validated
If the innovation is the airplane then it doesn’t matter if it’s an old timey biplane or or a next generation stealth fighter
If the the innovation is the vaccine then it doesn’t matter if it’s a smallpox vaccine or an mRNA vaccine
It’s weird
This whole issue is because of one man who has cultivated his own cult of personality
…and I do use the term “man” very loosely
He’s grown male adult that behaves like a spoiled child
Trump has done nothing to earn a cult other than making one for himself. It’s built upon nothing but disinformation and they live in a world of pure distortion that pivots instantly on a whim with zero explanation given
I doubt any follower of Trump’s has any specific idea where Trump is taking them because Trump has no idea either
He just wants to be king, he doesn’t want to do king
It’s too much work and responsibility, he’s just here for his own good time
Preferably as we all suffer
It’s a very Gore Vidal philosophy
“It’s not enough for me to win, everyone else must fail”
It doesn’t seem like you’re understanding what I’m saying much at all.
By your definition everything is innovative
Maybe that in of itself is the problem here, equating the words innovative and invention.
Try replacing innovative with groundbreaking or original perhaps
But saying that advent of aviation and automobiles is just bikes and trains with wings or more wheels kinda goes to prove a lack of arguing in good faith here
I am also thankful that my children were born in this era as well
There has been significant progress in the treatment of cystic fibrosis
Still not the kind of innovation I am talking about
I don’t see very many humans naturally flapping their arms flying around very often
There was that one guy, but I’d say it was more falling with style than flying
… and he didn’t stick the landing
I also disagree
Your reply in of itself is a fallacy
An airplane relying upon improvements engine and material design does not negate the very real revelation of human flight to the world
Nor does your oversimplified and ultimately incorrect explanation steam engines and evolution of horse drawn vehicles
Especially considering the first automobiles were steam powered
It completely misses the point
The horseless carriage itself was the innovation
I apologize for not explaining the question more thoroughly
I am talking about innovation in a fully realized concept
I always thought that flying cars would be the next major leap in innovation, but it’s still in its fledgling stages
Not the definition I am referring to
Conceptually, improving upon something isn’t entirely original
It can be hard to grasp. We can’t imagine what life and the mindset of people were before a concept existed because we have always had it.
Yes, we can imagine the difficulty of travel before the invention of aircraft
But it’s hard for us to understand the profound difference to life and everyone’s worldview at the time
People fantasized about human flight for what seemed like forever to them, so long that it became a fantasy that many believed would never be realized
Then suddenly it was
What have we experienced collectively since the 80s that is like that?
Yes, we’ve certainly progressed in nearly every field
But are they truly innovative or are they a natural evolution of something that already existed?
I agree, they most certainly did say mRNA
I recall having vaccines in the 80s, probably what saved me from polio