Why would this go to the US at all? They said it was a European issue and bowed out.
Why would this go to the US at all? They said it was a European issue and bowed out.
Trump just looks so weak here. So much for being a strongman. I guess he just likes being manhandled?
I was recently considering them while shopping for an EV, but then discovered the reason their offerings are so subpar is that Subaru tethered themselves to Toyata for EV development, and Toyota is obstinately years behind the technology leaders in the field. Tesla was the frontrunner for EV range for many years, but others (not Subaru) have caught them now. And as Tesla never fixed their build quality problems, they’re second tier at best now. I concur, I would buy a Subaru ICE car, but I may never have to buy one of those again.
I got a woodstove recently and got the same warning about the glass door on the front. Don’t clean it with paper towels or it will scratch up the glass. They recommend using newspaper instead.
without undie restrictions
This guy sounds like a straight shooter with upper management written all over him. Legend.
They will take measures such as installing cameras in offices, presumably to ensure that not a single moment of a sexual encounter is missed by their devoted followers.
His dog told him to do it, so you can’t really blame him, right?
Eats them like cherry tomatoes
Ooh, I remember playing Monster Maze and Math Hurdler on a dual-sided cassette. Avenger (basically Space Invaders) on cartridge. Also typed in Killer Comet and Tank vs UFO from a magazine. Last one was probably the best of the lot.
Oh boy, when he would get into it with Fark’s resident Israel apologist Tatsuma. What a shitshow.
I think his knees are a bit too sharp, subby.
You’re with WSJ? Yeah, you’re fucked.