Donkey Kong Country
B A R R A L - 50 lives
Donkey Kong Country
B A R R A L - 50 lives
Maybe the swans are keeping the geese in line.
No one wants Florida. Floridians live there.
Former friend of mine named herself Dierdre because of Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri.
Some English-language ones I haven’t seen in this thread yet:
We Hate Movies- a comedy movie review show mostly about entertainingly bad movies in the vein of How did This Get Made.
No Such Thing As a Fish- some of the researchers from QI share facts they found while prepping the TV show
Unclear and Present Danger- looks at thrillers of the 90’s through an historical and leftist lens
Mortal Podkast- Lore dumps about every fighter in the Mortal Kombat series up through MK11. Now over but I still recommend it if you like Mortal Kombat
Mom Can’t Cook: A DCOM Podcast- humorous, tangent-heavy recaps of Disney Channel original movies.
Three Black Halflings- insightful discussions about D&D and race from a black perspective. Also some very good actual play series and one-shots mixed in.
Love NADDPOD, and yeah once you get past the rocky start (they talk about dragon pussy within the first 10 minutes) it’s a creative and hilarious actual play with some very emotional moments. I cried at several points during campaign 1.
I second the Citations Needed recommendation. Their episodes are so well researched.
BuT tHe PaRtY hAs SoShUlLiSt iN iTs NaMe So It MuSt Be TrUe A nAzI wOuLdN’t LiE
They’re easy to mistake for one another, but Sarah Palin didn’t get caught engaging in foreplay with her boyfriend at a very public theater.
My car gets 30 rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it!
Drones over Rammstein!?
Feuer frei!
Probably a little bit at least, because Christian Bale is Welsh.
The quote I’ve always heard is “Change comes through the barrel of a gun” so it still works with a pistol.
What’s a little slaying between kin?
This cat knows where it’s at.
What about this recent election makes you think she has any moral fortitude?
Same here, same with a lot of people, but the people who actually hold power aren’t listening. Do you see my point?
Because she’s the vice president and holds no actual power so no one would listen anyway
I feel unsafe looking at that picture.
If it’s a perfect copy, without a doubt we’d try to kill each other as soon as the confusion of the situation wore off. We might not succeed, but we’d try.