As seen in the screenshot, for me it’s only Google. Could if be an Android thing?
A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.
As seen in the screenshot, for me it’s only Google. Could if be an Android thing?
So does it stop showing tracking when you sett your browser to external? Because it doesn’t for me.
Also, details are the same for me, just a general guess.
Unfortunately I already have had my browser set to Firefox since I started using Boast, so it can’t be the in-app browser.
If I wanted to smear I wouldn’t have come here but posted it elsewhere, for example in the thread I brought up. How would I show such examples?
The PDS, which is Basicly the GDRs successor, got 10 % in East Germany eight after the unification.
Thanks. And wow… Just… Wow.
I realy want to belive this to be true, but I have to ask for a source on this one.
you guys only strengthen the other side when you try to control what people are allowed to say and even think.
Somebody fell for right wing propaganda.
“This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The New York Times”
I believe that Putin has pushed and directly and indirectly supported Trump, to weaken the minority world (aka “the West”). This might actually backfire now. A autoritatian regime lead by Trump is much more a wild card than the USA was before, because he doesn’t follow a predictable pattern. At least thats how the situation seems to be to me. Maybe I am not seeing the big picture here.
I can only repeat what I said before I anther comment. I’m not defending Gates. Of course there are things he should be criticised for. You bring up one example here.
What I am saying is, that you should not judge him on what he did four decades ago, but how he is acting today.
Yes. I don’t want to judge people by who they were four decades ago, but who they have become. I believe that every human has the potential to grow and learn.
Mind you, I’m not saying Mr. Gates is an angel now, or shouldn’t be judged. But I’d rather base ma judgement on the person he is now that on the person he was long ago.
Yeah, he was a real asshole 44 years ago. Glad people never change at all.
Declare everyone as biologically female (because at inception, all embryos are female. It’s only after 6-7 weeks that the y chromosome kicks in an makes it biologically male. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK222286/, https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/defending-women-from-gender-ideology-extremism-and-restoring-biological-truth-to-the-federal-government/ - note the “at conception” points)).
As somebody who has done courses in gender studies it is painful how plain wrong and unscientific this is. Sure will be true for a lot of the other ones (especially climate). The sex ideology one (and contrary to their claim they of course are the ones with an ideology, because that is what you have when you ignore reality and make up your own truth based on falsehood) will do a lot of harm on the short term. There are real people out there who’s whole existence just got denied. My heart goes out (without a Sieg Heil, but in an empatic way) to all the Transpeople, Intersex People, Non-Binary People and all others who just got their identity denied. Please stay safe and hold tight. There are sane cis people out here who know you exist and stand by your side. For what ever that will be worth in the time to come.
You… You think somebody let’s moles onto people’s yards? A pest is just an animal doing it’s animal thing. It’s humans that think their thought up idea of property gives them the right to kill another beeing.
It’s telling that it needs the second sentence you wrote for me to realize you were speaking about Hitler, not Elon. I don’t say he’s gone of that far, but it wouldn’t have supposed me at all.
Why stop the quote there?
$1.65 Billion, or 95.7%, comes from a single deal with the state of Pennsylvania for a tax-credit to build a massive petrochemical plant there.
The tax subsidies are a summation of all subsidies since 2003, not per year as the image claims.
The image tries to link federal SNAP benefits to total tax benefits for RDS. Of the $1.725 Billion listed on the page for RDS, total federal tax benefits account for $4.9 Million, or 0.2% of all total tax benefits.
I would be more conserned about stating the relationship to the person executed, as that can be linked to you direktly, to be honest.
Yeah, but this assumes that the EU will be able to get itself together and act. Right wing governments are on the rise and the biggest bloxk opposing them in the EU Parlament are the conservatives. Europe is not known for its fast and swift decision making. Everything takes ages over here.
I just don’t see the EU acting in union enoth to be able to face the challenges “stepping up” brings with it.