They’re safer if they develop nuclear weapons on their own.
They’re safer if they develop nuclear weapons on their own.
When he was a tiny stray kitten, he ran under a shed to hide from me. He thought he was safe but his back feet were still sticking out. I grabbed him by his toes and now his name is Toes.
It’s going to be real weird when self driving cars finally work and sometimes cars just pull up with a dead body in it.
“A former KGB officer alleges that Donald Trump was recruited as a Soviet spy in 1987, nicknamed ‘Krasnov’.”
Let’s not get too hasty there. Canada should focus on finding an extraditable offense for this Canadian citizen. I doubt the US will extradite him, but others may. It sounds like Canada could make it hard for elon to travel if they tried.
You forgot the bread line
That’s why they have to test the new ones.
Ukraine should immediately start surface testing nuclear weapons.
He’ll just rewrite the Bible and call himself king on the cover.
Greenland is Denmark, and Denmark is NATO. So I mean there’s that.
Who owns the land on either side of the checkpoint? It’s February, is anything even growing? Get permission to do a little offroading
You’re right. CEOs are often times at board meetings with the whole C level and shareholders.
One big general airstr-
Oh you’re talking about angry signs and picketing outside? Nevermind
As long as trump gets a new golf course and hotel, I don’t think he really cares.
The only thing they’re getting is PTSD and shrapnel.
Unless you consider shooting at russian troops combat experience, then they’re getting a lot.
From everything you’ve mentioned, it does kinda feel like she escaped and got lost. The b line for a stoop feels like she knew she came from a door that looked kinda like that. Hungry, matted, sick…for a full grown cat that’s a good sign they’re lost and not feral - feral cats usually have it worked out how to survive. With kittens it’s either way, maybe she got separated from her litter instead, from her perspective that’s the same kinda lost.
With that said, it sounds like you already tried a few things and I’m not here to say you should do more. Maybe a single flier outside your house just in case it’s an immediate neighbor? Otherwise, I’d switch gears and be thinking how to protect yourself from a potential escape artist! Dress up your front porch (she keeps chewing a houseplant inside? Move it to the stoop. Work boots that smell like you? Store them on the stoop) and give her 10 minutes supervised time out on that stoop a few times while she’s still a young kitten that you can corral. This way she recognizes the stoop if she’s ever trying to find it AND also isn’t immediately terrified if she darts out a door and finds herself outside.
Definitely also get that chip, but you already know! She’s adorable!
You might not believe me but anyone can just walk into maralargo. Trump won’t have you trespassed, he will offer you a cash deal to leave. Trust me, it’s true. Ez money.
Another Iranian rapper, Toomaj, was given a death sentence in 2024 that was overturned. I think he is still in jail though.
Hopefully they both can see freedom soon.
MAASHA. Even the acronym sounds russian.