Reminds me of the song written by AI “I Glued My Balls to My Butthole Again”.
Reminds me of the song written by AI “I Glued My Balls to My Butthole Again”.
It’s not rude at all!
It’s best if you stack similar plates together and put the silverware on top or leave it separately. Its also hekpful to have any leftover food on the top plate rather than smushed in the middle. If all the dishes are different shapes, biggest on the bottom like a pyramid.
At the restaurant I worked, we had a bun for compost, trash, and recycle. So it could be helpful to keep trash out of the food scraps still on the plates. Please don’t leave trash in the cups, because we have to fish it out. Water is heavy and we can’t just throw out all the ice with the straw wrappers and the wrappers can’t go down the sink.
Your state likely has a web page designated for election results, so you could get information straight from the source for everything you voted for in your state and see which way your state goes for the presidential election. Your county website may also have a page to show whether any propositions were accepted or rejected.
I’m not sure about a better source to see where all 50 states’ results are reported. Maybe Balllotpedia has something that updates. I’m not sure the federal government would have something because the official results won’t happen until January 6 when a joint session of Congress reads and counts the votes from the Electoral College (who doesn’t vote until December 17).
Yosemite Sam could be the Balrog or Lertz.
They left out Weathertop.
When Bugs runs into the Nazgul, he goes into Nazgul drag and seduces the Witch King. He steps around the corner, drops a handkerchief, and calls out yoohoo at the Nazgul, who all start drooling and tumbling over themselves to pick up the handkerchief. Bugs walks passed them, giving each one a little attention and in the process ties their shoes together. After making it around all of them, he drops the handkerchief again and all the Nazgul fight over it, while Bugs zips off the tower leaving his drag clothes behind. One of the Nazgul realizes they were tricked and they all trip over their shoes tied together.
It’s definitely been getting worse. The written directions aren’t always accurate. Exits sometimes have the wrong label. Lanes are missing on the highways when they merge and separate.
I’ve also seen a similar thing with routes not always showing up or giving bad directions. It attempted to take me through a school bus barn and even through someone’s yard once.
I can remember a time that after a search, you’d just have a list of links. No extra boxes on the side or even an images tab, just the list of links. At the bottom of the page was the word “Google” and there would be more O’s, as they were links to other pages of results.
If there were sponsored links, it didn’t say so and you’d end up with different sites at the top of the list. So I don’t think way back there were.
The US isn’t any more concerned about sexual orientation now than any point in the past. Back in colonial times, it wouldn’t have been safe to be anything other than straight with all the hyper religious colonists. They were even forcing their gender conformity and the straight sexual orientation on the Native Americans. Baron Friedrich von Steuben got a pass for being gay, probably because he was the one in charge of training the troops for Washington. 100 years ago, you could be killed on the street for being anything other than straight or denied jobs. The Lavender scare of the mid century brought this more to light. The AIDS crisis that started in the 80s and bled through into the 90s and 2000s as new medicines were being invented, further brought negative light to sexual orientations outside of straight. The cause of all of this attention to sexual orientation has been the religions brought over by colonists.
In recent years, sexual orientations outside of straight are finally being seen in a positive light with Lawrence v TX (2003) legalizing same-sex relationships and Hodges v Obergefell (2015) legalizing same-sex marriages. In Bostock v Clayton County (2020) legal protections against job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity were finally put into place over 70 years after the start of the Lavender Scare.
The attention to sexual orientation has always been part of North American history. It has just changed from acceptance with the Native American peoples to hate, death, and intolerance under the colonists, to a more accepting present day. With some of the positive news in recent years, it can be easy to forget (if you’re surrounded by progressives in a blue state) that the hate of sexuality injected into North America in the 15th Century still has hold over large portions of the population today.
The doctor I see for adhd set themselves up as a PCP for insurance purposes, so each visit is just a copay. You can find co-pays from free to $20 on the ACA Marketplace (Obamacare). Just find an insurance salesperson to help you, they are paid by the insurance companies so you don’t pay for their help!
Testing cost me a little more and it wasn’t as laborious as this makes it sound. One test was video-recorded while you clicked the mouse whenever something happened on the screen and the other was some questions about your history.
There are even public schools still using corporal punishment, although the school has to have approval from the parents.
They call it the Flow state, there are books and I’m sure seminars about getting into the flow state to help you focus and get more done.
Use your knuckles and the space between from left to right. The higher points are longer months.
The left pinky knuckle is January, the space between pinky and ring knuckle is February, the ring knuckle is March and so on. The left index knuckle will be July and you continue with August being the right hand index knuckle. All the months that land on a knuckle are 31, while everything else is 30 (except 28 or 29 for February).
that and accurately help people with their taxes and other menial, tedious tasks