Innovative??? It’s a fucking bivvy sac
Innovative??? It’s a fucking bivvy sac
Sadly, even there; it would’ve been better if he didn’t
It definitely could have happened, its just a moderately high effort joke. With the right class and building on shared buy in over a semester or more its not that wild that someone would come up with the idea to do something like this. After all even if it is fake someone came up with the idea just as a written joke.
That’s not an answer. What should he have done? How do you prevent the cold war in February of 1945?
Oh. The Yalta Myth, I should’ve guessed. A contender for the founding enemy within type myth for the modern American far right.
What do you think they should have done instead? Immediately gone to war with the Soviets? Congrats! WW3 is much worse than the cold war.
The Soviets already held nearly the entirety of Poland by the time of the Yalta conference. The rest of the allies probably couldn’t have done anything to prevent that level of Soviet imperialism, even militarily. See: operation unthinkable, the korean war, the chinese civil war
A decent essay with citations, even if it is from a firmly neoconservative source. https://nationalinterest.org/article/the-yalta-myth-1052
An article from an american liberal source, responding to the same W. Bush Speech as the previous essay, and whose talking points you echo. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2005/05/what-really-happened-at-yalta.html
Finally, to round it out; a pair of articles by Alger Hiss, who attended the Yalta conference, and who was later investigated by McCarthy’s House Unamerican Activities Committee, specifically by then rising star Richard Nixon. One from the 50s: https://algerhiss.com/alger-hiss/in-his-own-words/yalta-modern-american-myth/ Another from the 80s: https://algerhiss.com/alger-hiss/in-his-own-words/two-yalta-myths/
FDR died before the end of WW2? How would any betrayal of the US allies post WW2 be on him?
Y not tethered awacs weatherballon??
I’m not sure what your point is? Assad wasn’t really stopping that, given that it seems turkey backed some militias that were able to mop him up in like a week with a surprise offensive.
Turkey has already been waging war against rojava for years now, and has been perpetrating a genocide against the kurds more broadly for decades. Their situation has always been dire, but its not over for them.
All the lefties I know were excited about rojava/ aanes. I’ve never met a lefty in real life that was pro assad, not saying they don’t exist, but like: fuck em, assad sucked.
We do really seem to be selecting for it based on who wins tho
Different syrian rebel group to my understanding.
I don’t know that biden truly had the ability to stack the court, any justice he wanted to add would have to get through the senate. Which was only very narrowly held by the dems, and a pretty minimal amount of defections would have scuttled the plan entirely while also having broken the taboo. I don’t actually trust biden either, so the world in which biden destroys the democratic norms and seizes power in that way also is a really bad situation.
Supreme court shot down the 20k for pell grant recipients and 10k for non pell grant recipients plan, and basically said that at that scale should require congress. So all the smaller programs have been calibrated to try to survive the court battles.
A tariff on steel and aluminum will have much farther reaching consequences than guns. A specific tariff on smokeless powder is pretty unlikely, though maybe could be part of trying to ramp up domestic production. The US military is trying to make that happen, but that’s kind of the opposite of what you want.
Give the Kurds them both you cowards. Damn the expense!
Sure would be nice if social science were complete, and we could say with scientific certainty the effect of any given social activity.
Here are a couple published articles that attempt to get at that question, more research required tho.
It looks like a miniature
Only if they are cold blooded
I bet all of them make a loud wooshing noise as they head straight up from the moon to earth.
Bivvy sacs are just that style of shelter, you can put different sleeping pads and bags in them to get setups that will be comfortable at different temp ranges.