That iteration, as I claimed literally exactly, was defunded in 1955. A quick Google search shows this.
That iteration, as I claimed literally exactly, was defunded in 1955. A quick Google search shows this.
Ok? Can you try rereading what we both wrote and explain how that is at all relevant? The BBC is funded by the UK, does that inherently make it an unreliable source/ MI6 propaganda outlet? 🤡
*from 1951-1955 when it was defunded. The modern iteration is far removed from this project and your line of argument is disingenuous at best.
It was a cia mouthpiece from 1951 to 1955. Its modern iteration is far removed from that. While we could really get into the weeds about RFA as a source, the fact that you’re citing random cia docs from 1953 without either realizing or indicating that the CIA program was defunded 2 years later leads me to believe you aren’t interested in legitimate debate about this.
Plantation/Slaveowner and sorta rapist that paved the path for manifest destiny and westward expansion of the US
pretty good
Pick one
Yay pseudoscience!!
There’s even a song!!
Doing a thing like that doesn’t greentext like 4chan, it creates a subtext to like block quote with and stuff
This is an unlabeled graph and ambiguous comment. What are you saying? That the ruble is doing better than he is claiming compared to the euro, or worse?
All of the abrahamic religions are. It could probably be argued that Hinduism is as well, at least historically, as far as the caste system basis and such. Not sure what modern Hindu beliefs are whatsoever tho.
The dems should have been able to run, as another commenter in this thread eloquently put, “a piece of tinder” against Trump and have won. The fault and blame lies entirely in every shitheel that didn’t vote harris, whether they like or hate her and what she represents. Sadly, 2/3s of the country either dont care enough or would rather see a neofascist take office, I’m assuming, including you, based on your response.
Combustion creates gas, or did you forget elementary school science?
The US political system is not other countries. How come people on this site are all about understanding systems except when that system stands in their way? How come so many people are experts on US politics and the political landscape therein without having studied it literally ever in their life? It’s honestly getting to be infuriating how little yall know and how far you think that knowledge seems to extend.
Worse than Trump voters actually. The vast majority of Trump voters have convinced themselves that what they’re doing is good, actually, and that the democrats are evil whereas the people who abstained from voting for Harris literally had a choice of a candidate that campaigned on making their number one issue worse, and one that at least attempted to talk about peace deals and decided to just have no impact whatsoever, condemning hundreds of thousands plus to certain death. They claim to be on the side of ending human suffering when in actuality, they’re little piss babies that are upset that their 10% of the population doesn’t have complete and total control.
I also know that history doesn’t make metaphysical claims about the nature of the universe and concepts such as morality. Science is our best way of understanding the world, not voodoo. That’s why I mentioned gravity.
Your beliefs are not supported by anything other than an old book. Shit, Newtons theories of gravity have more evidence for them than your boom of fairytale and we’ve still discredited them. Regardless of the prominence of belief in the Christian God and its pervasiveness in western culture, that does not mean that morality does not exist without God unless you come at it from a specifically platonist philosophy. And therein we see the problem: your subscription to one form of ancient philosophy and denial that other ways of thinking even exist.
Does this surprise literally anybody? This is the most nothingburger article ever. Like, yeah, no shit the three largest, richest, and most populous countries make up the majority of fossil fuel expansion.
Males are actually born at a higher rate than females, but just tend to die younger, which is why there are more females than males generally.
Or as they’re known to the rest of the world, subhumans :p
.world threads are far enough left that many of us would have been imprisoned under mccarthyism. Tankies do exist, which I know from interacting with them, and simping for authoritarian regimes is not leftism. Tankies don’t challenge my preconceived notions any more than nazis… they just don’t.