Just don’t hit snooze on the alerts cause that’s an immediate forget.
Just don’t hit snooze on the alerts cause that’s an immediate forget.
I made stupid mistakes in my youth and ended up in classes. This was repeated ad nauseum. As is the hour to process a single serving of alcohol is the same for everyone.
Also I could drink people twice my size under the table. I was 120lbs soaking wet.
Size and weight have virtually zero to do with alcohol tolerance. Everyone is different. I have seen 100lb people throw back a fifth of vodka without blinking, while my inlaws can have half a wine cooler and be gone. With that said, one standard 12oz daiquiri won’t make most people drunk.
Just start slow, and since you’re pretty new to its effects, don’t mix beer liquor and wine. Once you get used to your tolerance, you can mix it up a bit.
It’s one of the most memorable games I’ve played in years. And a sequel is coming.
King of the Hill
Early 40s here, and carpal tunnel is finally kicking in
Mine is this or migraine o clock
This is one of the worst parts of it for me. I can’t enjoy a late shift at work because all morning I’m just dreading going in. Same with any later appointment, too. Even plans with friends at night is stressful.
They are summoning the rabbit
Using a cup while playing sports? I don’t know if it’s a like though…
Yo, this won’t be an annex. It will be an invasion if he really wants it, same with Greenland. You think Canada will just roll over? Imagine if fucking Mexico decided to take back Texas. (At this point, please do, I could use some new leadership here)
I’m so sorry Canadians, yall just up there doing your thing and these assholes just trying to fuck your shit up.
Currently upstairs throwing up. Sigh.
Isn’t Guantanamo Bay specifically there as a gray area prison that doesn’t have to abide by US laws and guidelines?
Red genocide is SO different from blue genocide isn’t it?
This has been a long running issue with me as well.
In some areas, ADD meds are harder to come by than coke. I’m just reporting what I see and hear. It’s probably not true everywhere, but in certain areas, coke is way easier to get.
It can potentially weaken the party in power if they don’t respond “appropriately”.
Let’s be very clear, it’s not just Trump, but the ENTIRE GOD DAMN administration that has been, and is, being put into place. Hegseth already told our intelligence teams to stop looking into Russia.
If Trump was luigied tomorrow, an entire government is now in place to allow whatever they want to happen, to happen. It wouldn’t even matter if he was gone.