AmeriKlans XD
AmeriKlans XD
The Democrats destroyed themselves. Constructed opposition at best. Shamefully inept at worst.
I think he might just be some guy. Possibly the 3rd in a long line of guys.
Holy crap, that’s the exact post I was talking about! Nice!
I mean, they do until they don’t. They eventually retired 16 bit subsystem, and they are gungho on TPM now. They have always had EOL dates for old OS’s too. I’m not entirely sure why they do what they do, I suspect they are too large and unwieldy to operate as an entity with a unified vision.
Are you sure it’s not bad from a technical perspective? I saw a story from a former programmer talking about how changes would be made the to the interface in the new settings app that’s trying to replace control panel and the shit was like a horror story.
I was more referring to the masses of people than the political parties. I’d agree that neither party actually represents its constituents anymore. Only money interests.
Yeah well, the half that’s in power don’t want immigrants. I doubt Trump is going to welcome them.
Serious question. Is leaving an option? Is there some kinda line they can go stand in that will relocate them to another country?
Feels like that scene in Independence Day.
“What is it you want us to do?”
Awesome job!
Can also use Pi KVM to add a similar capability to non server grade hardware that doesn’t have it. I did that for a workstation once.
To add to these ideas, I’ve heard of a 4 bank account system for couples.
Joint Checking where living expenses can come from.
Joint Savings for shared investments. Requires two signatures to move money out.
And then each gets a personal account with their spending money that each gets to do whatever they want with.
I have more symptoms than just difficulty falling asleep. Cataplexy during strong emotions is consistent, as well as night sweats, and some other things.
It was actually my PCP that suggested it. I was like nahhh that’s impossible, then I learned it’s not like it is in the movies. But then I lost my insurance so I haven’t really had the opportunity to investigate it properly.
I’m pretty sure I either have narcolepsy or delayed sleep phase syndrome, but narcolepsy fits more symptoms.
I found a way to reframe that defiance issue that might work for you.
I believe we get defiant because we already know the task needs doing. However, instead of treating being told to do something as a reminder to do something you already know you need to do, you treat the reminder as a request for re-prioritization.
Our executive dysfunction seems to me to be a problem of prioritization. We have an infinitely long To Do List, it’s not that we need help knowing what to do. We need help knowing what’s supposed to be the top item on that list at any given moment in present time.
So, when someone tells you to do something, try parsing their meaning as, “Hey, could you bump this item up to current?” And THEN respond accordingly.
Know thyself, know your deficiencies, and then embrace them. Welcome the assistance with the prioritization, let go of the resentment of being reminded to do something you already are aware of.
We have time blindness, so don’t resent clocks, use them as the tool they are right? So don’t resent people when they mean well, they just don’t have the vocabulary to speak ADHD, so we build our own internal translators.
There are up sides and down sides to everything. I’m not going to pretend what makes me different doesn’t give me challenges, but it also gives me benefits. I like who I am, wouldn’t change it because a lot of WHO I am is intertwined with HOW I am.
Like I might be able to better accomplish tasks and whatnot without ADHD, but if that means the frequency of unique thoughts takes me to fewer topics and areas of learning, my entire body of knowledge would fundamentally change too, as would the interconnectedness of those topics, and whatever unique thoughts arise from the combination of those topics. You can’t pick and choose what areas of the mind to keep and get rid of, the mind is a complex house of cards.
Adderall makes me feel kinda tired actually so I rarely take it. Only for tasks that I feel are important. I likely have undiagnosed narcolepsy, which is treated with higher doses of stimulants, so that might be why. It’s probably treating both, so I CAN focus, but it also makes me able to sleep when I otherwise couldn’t, so it’s a double edged sword where I get shit done but kinda just feeling drained.
ADHD isn’t enough, we also get a disproportionately high amount of sleep disorders to pair with it!
Lost track of how many times I’ve looped Seinfeld.
Maybe it’s not being female led that’s the problem, it’s Mary Sue’s that I think people are tired of.
We will play with squirrels instead of video games! And wear bedsheets instead of clothing!