To strengthen our collective security, which is shared among all who care to see- While Microsoft rarely deigns to even give an error code when shit breaks.
To strengthen our collective security, which is shared among all who care to see- While Microsoft rarely deigns to even give an error code when shit breaks.
Sonder (noun): the feeling one has on realizing that every other individual one sees has a life as full and real as one’s own, in which they are the central character and others, including oneself, have secondary or insignificant roles: In a state of sonder, each of us is at once a hero, a supporting cast member, and an extra in overlapping stories.
Just tried it and, yes. Jpg, Png, and Webp open as a half-second video. Actually kinda neat, I adjusted gamma, saturation, and saved a copy with 3 button presses. Well, 4 if you count pause…
Feels reminiscent of stealing an Aboriginal, dressing them in formal attire then laughing derisively when the ‘savage’ can’t gracefully handle a fork. What is a brain, if not a computer?
Says what, some ancient text?