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Anime - People don’t like you when you’re into the popular ones.
Video Games - It’s everywhere here. If you’re into AAA games, you’ll never hear the end of it. If you’re into Indie games, then you have to be into games like Hollow Knight, Undertale .etc or you just don’t know indie.
Metal Music - Fucking hell, you’re always going to be snubbed and looked down upon because you’re not into Death or Black Metal. Doesn’t matter if you’re into Iron Maiden or X Nu Metal band here, but you’re just not metal until you listen to anything Black/Death. Maybe I don’t want to listen to Cookie Monster and Friends.
I can see why even Reddit wouldn’t want this posted over there.
So, okay, you’ve made up a scenario but it has nothing to do with the question you’re asking. Why couldn’t you have just asked the question and not beat around the bush before doing so?
Webcams should not have mics built into them, they all suck anyways.
I started to care about it until I learned and discovered that we aren’t dealing with recyclables as well as we should. We’ve been hampering people for decades to recycle, recycle and recycle. Some good have came from recycling, it has. But damn, we’re not really doing enough as people think and it’s a damn shame that truth is just shelved so we can keep lying to people about recycling.
I as an individual, realize I can only do so much, but I feel it is still in the responsibility and accountability of big corps and other companies that need to really step up more since they’re bigger than me. I just think it’s irresponsible of them to have it fall on the shoulders of average joe to clean everything up, when BP barely lifts a finger to fix it’s own shit. How is it entirely my fault about how bad climate change has getting?
So you know what, I’ll still take some of my own responsibility, yet until I see these corps and companies work double time to fulfill their end of the table, I’m just going to be a little lax on it.
I’m pretty positive by this point that people love to bitch about ads for the sake of bitching about ads. They bring this onto themselves.
Same goes for them going onto sites without ad blockers. Then when you tell them, it’s either “OHHH THANKS!” or “Uhhhh, I cAn’t” for no reason.
My reply was an hour ago, their update was at the time, 57 minutes ago. That meant, I posted first before they gave an update. I don’t get why you’ve got to be so hostile about this but if you actually put your remaining braincells together and thought of this, connect the dots, it kind of makes sense.
I commented before the update and that’s where I’m going to leave it at that. Oh and enjoy your block, too.
You’ve got no choice BUT to go to the police.
Like what else is there? Confront the individual directly and play a Clue-like game with them? If you have the evidence and know who it is, they need to be dealt with legally.
It has to be down to the moderation. Admins and Moderators have to step up and stamp out what they feel is infecting the community.
Too many times I’ve seen in history where, if you do not have an active mod team and allow people to run the asylum, you effectively have failed that community.
I want browsers to not choke and die whenever you idle on a video for too long. I’ve noticed this with Chrome and Firefox both. If I leave a YouTube video on idle for longer than a half hour and I come back to it, I gotta refresh or sometimes copy the link, open a new tab, paste it there and go to the video to resume. Sometimes it doesn’t even resume where I left off, gotta start from the beginning.
It’s aggravating.
He tried so hard to blame it on a cold, lol. Then he tried I think at some point, making it like a parody?
No dude, you just suck that fucking bad. Stop making excuses.
How’s it feel, Russia?
I just hope the russians that aren’t pro-putin are treated better than the russians did to any ukranians over the cities and land they’ve taken.
Oh right, that. The money laundering.
Here’s an example of how scummy the department of justice in the united states was when it comes to handling copyright cases and bowing to the luxurious cocks of the media industry. They brandished the money laundering and racketeering excuse to cover up the fact that it was all about the claims of copyright infringement that got them to sick the SWAT teams on Dotcom.
People on the outside of this story, had no clue what was going on. But every pirate knew exactly what this was all about.
When my current job cannot for the life of it, be consistent in anything it swears itself by. Making every week of mine, a challenging obstacle course of bullshit that never should’ve been a thing but somehow is.
There’s a meme image I once saw that spoke to me.
It went; “Stop trying to be liked by everybody, when you don’t even like everybody”
And that’s so fucking true for someone such as me. You can’t please everyone, so you should stop trying because there’s thousands to possibly millions of people out there who simply live that spiteful and bitter lifestyle as their entire persona.
Who matters to me are the people I’ve personally befriended. It doesn’t hurt to co-exist and be kind to those who give it to you.
But everyone else, fuck them.
Puddle of Mudd and definitely Wes who’s last name I don’t give a shit to spell out.
Their 15 minutes of fame were long pass in the 2000s and they’re one of the shit pillars that came to be known as butt rock.
Anything by Corey Feldman at this time is valid. Like, I know they say to follow your dreams and everything. But there’s also the part where realizing that you’re not fit for that particular dream and you could maybe try something else.
Someone should tell him.
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Also Streaming Services: “Dear Customers, we’re writing to let you know that your subscription service is going to be increased within next month. Because ha ha fuck you.”
And the only way to avoid them at all is to de-centralize and make things invite-only.