…yes. do you miss the fact that menu prices going up means the tip is going up even at the same percentage?
15 should be standard. Menu prices are raising, why should tip raise roo?
A force like ice is necessary though. Unregulated immigration does result in issues in the receiving country;that only works when 2 countries are economically similar. It’s their use that’s indictive of faciam rather than their existence imo
Then you haven’t read anything about cartels.
You think cartels are better than the usa? Lol
Full on tipsy, not slightly
Yeah, I don’t take it friendly when someone responds"the earth is flat" or anti-science posting.
簡単の日本語から上手です。僕の日本語は下手です。 会話は難しいです。複雑な会話おください。もと、もと練習します。
Radical idea but what if we didn’t spread propaganda on lemmy
It would’ve taken far longer without trump
Gifted? Lol we randomly evolved. There’s no gift, we just grew from monkeys and because it existed. What kind of religious BS is that
The planet rightfully belongs to no one. None of us deserve it.
That’s why unions are important
Bruh blahaj defederated all the porn? Lol
Is that Why I see so many gaps?? How do you check which are and aren’t federated. I want to see as many as possible, even if they’re dipshit ones
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However a lot of these algorithms are so complex that it’s not clear to me how easily they can be manipulated.
… Really? That’s funny. It’s not clear to us because we aren’t professionals. It’s one thing to question if they are, but they absolutely can. That has been proven many times over
You said people. There’s plenty of people who can afford a home. I get that it sucks for you, but there’s many who can. It isn’t just a rich person thing.
And no, I don’t think they’re pretending, I think you’re being overdramatic.
My parents are teachers. They own land. It’s not quite as impossible as people like to pretend. Hell, my 20 year old cousin has a house
Yes… I tip 15% now and tip percentage shouldn’t increase. That doesn’t mean I tipped 20% in the past