My team is constantly looking for new technologies to make sure we’re not turning ourselves into dinosaurs. We all know that Kubernetes won’t last forever, something better will come along some day.
That being said I don’t really see the full value of Triton or Xen with unikernels… They might have a bit less performance overhead if used correctly, but then again Kubernetes on bare metal also has very little overhead.
Kubernetes is certainly comes with a learning curve, and you need to know how to manage it, but once you have Kubernetes there’s a ton of nifty benefits that appear due to the thriving community.
Need to autoscale based on some kind of queue? Just install the Keda helm chart
Running in the cloud and want the cluster to autoscale the nodes? Just install cluster-autoscaler helm chart
Want to pick up all of your logs and ship them somewhere? Just install the promtail helm chart
Need a deployment tool? Just install the ArgoCD helm chart
Need your secrets injected from some secret management solution? Just install the external-secrets helm chart
Need to vulnerability scan all the images you are using in your cluster? Just install the trivy-operator helm chart
Need a full monitoring stack? Just install the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart
Need a logging solution? Just install the loki helm chart
Need certificates? Just install the cert-manager helm chart
The true benefit of Kubernetes isn’t Kubernetes itself, but all the it’s and pieces the community has made to add value to Kubernetes.