I didn’t try that, but I think it is not possible, but since the Android is running on top of Linux, you just connect to your bluetooth headphones using the under Linux and it will have the same result.
On Linux there’s also the Waydroid project which might be a more safe option and actually runs pretty well on my budget machine considering it runs on top of another OS.
BlissOS might do?
They state x86_64 on their downloads page, so it is probably for 64 bit systems only, but OP’s tablet being from 2021 should be 64 bit.
I don’t recommend Fedora as a distro for this as they do not have the Maliit keyboard in the repos and you will have to build it yourself.
Last time I tryed Fedora KDE few months back it had a Maliit keyboard, but I was using the desktop version of the shell.
MacOS is open-source in its core?
You could use dash to panel extension, in the settings move the bar to the top, reorganize it as you wish (you should be able to make it look practically indentical to the original panel), make it thinner and turn on autohide. Even though I have some bad experience with the dash to panel authide feature and know this is a half baked solution. See if it works for you.
I had about 16 extensions before the last update. After I updated 2 of them became unsupported which 1 of them is already supported again if I am not mistaken. It depends on what extensions you use of course.
You can customize Gnome quite a lot if you want it just requires a bit of knowledge.
With the latest 47 release I think the fractional scaling got to the point where it’s a perfectly usable in almost all cases. I use it on 125% and don’t see any blurred apps or glitches or anything like that.
I know this is probably not a solution to your problem, but maybe:
Are you sure Linux doesn’t support shared GPU memory? I mean if you had an integrated GPU with no strictly reserved memory which is fairly common on cheaper notebooks the GPU has to share the memory with rest of the system. There’s no other way for it to even function.
Gnome seems to still require you to install a browser extension to use Shell Extensions.
You can download the Extension Manager from Flathub. You don’t have to use a browser to install extensions at all.
KDE widgets are fantastic, I love having system monitors in a hidden panel at the top of my screen so I can really easily check system resource usage. I haven’t found anything similar on Gnome yet.
There are extensions for that in Gnome. I would mention “Vitals” or “Astra Monitor” if you want to go overkill.
Konsole by default switches tabs with ctrl tab but Terminal doesn’t and thats basically my only issue with it.
Default Gnome terminal is bad. Even Fedora which is a distro that ships almost every DE without any changes switched from the default Gnome terminal to Ptyxis. Ptyxis is probably still not enough for power users, but at least it has more settings including the ability edit keyboard shortcuts and looks better.
By default on KDE, if you shake your mouse the cursor gets bigger and there doesn’t seem to be a size limit which is so fun to do lol
There’s also an extension for that in Gnome although it probably does not have this funny “feature”.
I think my issue is related with how Acer’s UEFI handles efi files.
I know that this is not a Linux specific problem either, however I didn’t know where else to ask.
AFAIK on most distros and desktop environments the default file manager can read NTFS partitions without any further setup needed.
I dual boot Fedora with secure boot enabled for half a year already on my notebook with exactly 0 problems. Did few Windows updates already.
I actually found cinnamin to be more resource intensive than Gnome on most computers.
The Simple Mobile Tools collection of Android apps. Forks have been made and are maintained fortunately, but the original autor sold the apps to some company that just adds ads and trackers to the apps to make more money out of it.