It is reasonable to assume correlation in the context the causation occurs in. To imply TikTok isn’t influencing people is baseless ignorance or deliberately misleading.
It is reasonable to assume correlation in the context the causation occurs in. To imply TikTok isn’t influencing people is baseless ignorance or deliberately misleading.
People downloading TikTok are more likely to be impressionable children, TikTok then influences these children. Is a much more likely outcome, than what your suggesting.
Linoleum isn’t plastic, you may be thinking of vinyl flooring which looks similar. Vinyl is cheaper and newer while appearing very similar to linoleum.
China up to all the same fuckery as Russia. They’re actively involved in supplying weapons and evading sanctions with Russia. They aren’t doing Europe any favours.
A court would only have to prove that a competent sailor would notice. You couldn’t argue they weren’t competent sailors due to the fact they sailed across the world professionally. If you could argue they weren’t competent sailors, the most reasonable solution would be they were incompetent spies.
It’s not excusable to drag a anchor for 100s of miles, it’s a difficult thing to do. Even if they didn’t cut cables they could still be liable for environmental damage.
Don’t think controlling the phase of such high power lasers is feasible, high frequency makes this harder than radio waves. These lasers are often fibre optic, which are easier to pump to very high levels without overheating. They are then combined to get even more power. Trying to control the phase across many lasers with very long path lengths before the output would be incredibly difficult.
It’s so they have more people to put into the meat grinder.
Ukraine isn’t the end game for Russia.
War crimes are mutually agreed by close to parity powers. Crowd control isn’t. One group decides what is acceptable and what isn’t. I would be surprised if any government allow citizens the right to use CS gas on their police force.
They aren’t going to reevaluate crowd control tactics because the crowd don’t have the power to force a change.
Too long in the dryer and they cook. Think of dryered flowers, they go brittle and scratchy when they’ve been dried. When those same flowers are fresh their petals are soft.
Fabric softener is a scam. It just coats your clothes in plastic. It will lead to rougher clothes over time.
Your likely over drying your clothes and causing them to be harder and coarser than they need to. Your then compensating with fabric softener.
People have attached pens to 3d printers and used them to write letters, effectively print. Most consumer 3D printers are useing or based on open source software.
I think the issue is, printers are relatively cheap to buy and replace. So building your own and programming it hasn’t been necessary. Where as 3d printing was completely in accessible before the reprap movement. 3D printing software is open source as it is motivated by people wanting to build their own machines that could build machines. Something you couldn’t easily buy.
Plus they can validate the data they harvest when you pay. They’ve got transactions and identity information once you pay.
The non web app is probably just a web app and browser wrapped in one.
Fabric softener is just plastic. It doesn’t really work, eventually your clothes will be coated in plastic rather than soft.
If you want to keep clothes soft, don’t dry them excessively in tumble dryers. The natural fibres need to retain some water.
This is a common misconception of the placebo effect. The placebo effect is a measurement issue, not an actual benefit.
Tests are corrupted by using the reposnes and judgement of humans. People will say they had some sort of benefit because of expectations, poor recollection and politeness. It doesn’t mean a benefit was gained. A placebo group allows researchers to quantify how much the placebo effect has on the data they gathered, they can then see if the experiment they did had any effect. Placebo is literally our definition of zero effect.
Anyone telling you placebo is a good thing is wrong, misinformed or deliberately misleading you. In many countries it is illegal for doctors to prescribe ‘placebo treatments’. They will still recommend such things to their patients - not because they work but because they get the patient out the door and less likely to come bother them again.
Tin foil hats are much better anti5g solution.
America tried to modernise many British means of methods and standards. They used a metric currency long before Britain. That’s why they have a cent (1/100) rather than pennies and bobs and truppence.
They got ride of many terms for multiples of measurements that made the imperial system more similar to metric. Americans use ounces, but they don’t use pounds.
America also defines their us customary units using metric. There’s no longer an inch. There is a meter and from that an inch is defined as 24 millimeters. This is largely due to British, Canadian and American components for fighting wars not fitting together despite all using the same inch.
Had America modernised a little later they probably would have converted to metric earlier than Britain.
The worst is many of these apps are just websites repackaged as apps. They just want the elevated access being an app gives them.
Android apps are much more likely to ask for permission. There is very little moderation involved on the all store. Apps asking for unnecessary permission is very common.
They’re supplying complex components so they’ll be involved in design of interfaces and supply software. It’s not inappropriate to say they’re producing it, even if it’s a relatively minor role.