Porn i guess? I don’t watch tv at all, not even movies
You don’t care
Porn i guess? I don’t watch tv at all, not even movies
You can puke if your stomach is full
I wish I could have a kid. But I’m a virgin at 35 without a job and still living with my mother. It ain’t going to happen.
Then you have kids growing up with shit parents… the threshold isn’t worth it
Like how women are basically men slaves for some
You’re a what?
I don’t even have a licence
Indoctrination and ignorance, notice how a big chunk of its members are old people. Younger people are less interested, thankfully. Also, for some people, it is a social club.
Exactly you don’t have to like it, just ignore it
Modern society sees everything offensive nowadays… oh, that’s racist. Oh, that’s sexist… common
Yeah, being rejected can destroy someone’s confidence
👍🏽 thank you
I don’t put anyone down just because I think a party is lame dude. They can do whatever they want, I can’t stop them.
Even without the viral part still think is weird. I already though it was weird during my time and that was over 15 years ago and in a third world country.
I’ve never been with anyone in my life. I highly doubt it has to do with not going to a dumb party though.
Having a partner must be nice.