my beloved 💕
Soldiers win battles, logistics wins space wars
A 1980s modernization lead to the Iowa class actually being equipped with some modern toys too
Electronic Warfare and Decoys
and 5 UAVs
What’s with the credible takes?
Sir this is NCD
Context: in 1980 Indonesia wanted to buy ex-Israeli A-4 Skyhawk, but Indonesia didn’t have formal diplomatic relationship with Israel so the purchase was conducted discreetly. This involves sending pilots and maintainers to Israel to learn how to fly and maintain A-4. The whole thing was called Operation Alpha
Indonesian Air Force never officially acknowledge this. And the whole thing was unveiled in a book written by Air Vice-Marshal (Ret) Djoko Poerwoko, one of the pilot sent to Israel.
Arizona also what the pilots refers to the base where they’re trained, it was rumoured to be somewhere near Eilat. The pilots also after completing their training were brought to United States and told to take photos of America. They also take A-4 training at MCAS Yuma