Beste Nachricht seit Ewigkeiten!
Was ich bei sowas ja krass finde, dass sind 551 fragen… Da muss sich jemand hinsetzen und die stumpf abarbeiten…
Generell gut, dass es sowas gibt, aber trotzdem krass
Oh i just looked where the online shop shipes to
Sadly only US
We had some german regional meal. “Gefüllte klösse, kindskopfgross” My wife has made them. Loving it.
Stuffed dumplings, child’s head size
Tja, softwarefehler, kannste nix machen
As i was young
I second mint But i always ask myself Manjaro or mint… I am a total noob, but maybe you can clear that a little bit up, why mint and not manjaro
So what is a realistic price in a western country? And what about those darknet hitmans?
I am still learning and try to replace my stuff with open soure software