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Joined 24 days ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2025


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics

    In the Americas, United States, and Canada:

    -Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke “Afro-American racists” to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics”.

  • Congress passed aid to Ukraine.

    Remember when Trump threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine in order to pressure Zelenskyy into announcing an investigation into Biden during an election?

    He was impeached for that.

    So, this time he put on a little theater skit in the White House’s Oval Office so that he can be immune by claiming that he paused aid as an official act resulting from an official meeting.

    Trump is simply pausing aid by using executive powers in bad faith. Congress already approved the money but Trump can delay it for a long time before courts get involved.

    We’re basically watching the sitting US President openly shaking down a country for protection money (rare earth rights) while it’s in the process of being attacked by Russia.

    Russia already wins this. They’re never going to have to give up the land that they claimed and Trump is going to give Russia a ban on Ukraine joining NATO on top of it.

    As an aside, did you know that around 3 billion USD passed through the TRUMP cryptocurrency before it collapsed. Kinda makes you wonder if the previous owners of that money got what they paid for.

  • Ah.

    Yes, if they’re directly through an Oracle partnership with your job that’s legit then.

    Your company likely gets this as part of a package that they buy from Oracle. I’d guess that they offer certifications as part of the courses that they teach.

    They likely have a partnership with Oracle to buy (some of) the certifications. You’re just getting that same deal (free first try, costs money afterwards).

    So, if you’ve already studied for a certification, then it can save you money.

    But unless it says otherwise, assume that it is just the test portion. In addition, some certifications require proctoring and that may at your expense. This is probably part of “the necessary info” package, but you can ask a supervisor about the details.

  • I was under the impression, from reading one of the developers write of his interaction with the owner, that they’re just selling dropped shipped white label laptops.

    They’re simply add branding and a disk image which the white label manufacturer applies before shipping.

    So it doesn’t even seem to be an OEM… Just some guy trying to make an easy buck with some slick marketing and white label laptops… he just couldn’t get the image setup and failed spectacularly in collaboration with the people who could help him.

  • TIL that I’ve been raped by exs because they didn’t disclose disturbing personal details about themselves until later in the relationship.

    Or, maybe, consent isn’t something that you can decide to revoke years later.

    Informed consent is typically limited to things effecting the individual sexual incident. So things like not disclosing that you have HIV or that you intentionally damaged a condom could violate that principle but that doesn’t mean that any lie renders the other person incapable of consent.

    A person lying about personal details doesn’t mean that they’re a serial rapist. If you really believe that definition (rather than, as I suspect, engaging in motivated reasoning to reach an outrage-based conclusion) then every dating site and bar on the planet should be shut down due to the amount of “rapists” that they enable.

    Obviously the government has liability here. After all these men were agents of the government at the time and there are children resulting from this incident and so it should be investigated before a judge.

    But trying to call this rape is just nonsense.

  • The facility staff has zero ability to do anything for you other than feed you and let you in and out of your cell and transport you to court.

    They don’t even have the authority to choose to put you in general population (assuming that it is even available at the holding facility).

    Once you’re in a facility you pretty much can only affect anything when you get to a courtroom. Trying to make demands of the guards will, at best, get you ignored.

    OP mentioning something about people screaming and banging, that’s people being ignored who’re not understanding that no amount of bad behavior is going to improve their situation.

    The best you can hope for, outside of a courtroom, is to get a book and to get more time to have access to the phone/shower. There isn’t much the guards can do for you, but they can do a lot to make your stay harder.

    Keep your wits and stay calm and at worse you’ll just be bored for a week before you go home.

  • Your things may be owned by root and have unusual permissions.

    So, to make your NTFS drive be owned by your user and group and to set the permissions you can:

    # Change owner to user:user
    sudo chown -R username:group your_directory
    # Change permissions to default (typically 755 for directories and 644 for files)
    # For directories
    find your_directory -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    find your_directory -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

  • If you’re taken into custody, as here. You get a notice to appear and a court date (about a week in the future). At the hearing you’d have an attorney assigned to you if you do not have one. Demanding lawyers of the facility staff won’t do anything other than cause a conflict which you want to avoid for safety reasons.

    You’re almost entirely dependent on people outside of custody to get anything done. If you’re going to be crossing a border you should have a friend of family member looped in who can track if you made it successfully or, if not, someone who can due all of the legwork for you, such as contacting an attorney, adding money to your facility account, etc.

    You’re effectively in federal prison while you’re awaiting the hearing. Your movement will be limited to non-existent (you’ll be in a cell solo, or in a dorm with 50-100 other people in a similar situation), you can’t use a phone outside of approved numbers and you can send handwritten mail. If you’re detained solo, you’re likely going to be sitting in a cell until your hearing. If you’re lucky, and have people’s phone numbers memorized, you will be able to add someone’s phone number to your list and you will get a free 15m call to each number that you added to your list.

  • It’s probably that they’re using the free tier and didn’t read any of the full screen pop-up disclosures on first launch. The ones that clearly say that you’re using ad networks to take your data.

    This happens at launch. The first thing it does is check if you have a paid version, if you don’t it loads the ad networks, otherwise it just loads the program.

    The ad network shows a full-screen pop-up the first time it’s started ever, this pop-up discloses the tracking.

    It’s probable that they didn’t read/understand the disclosure and are seeing normal ad network traffic.

  • Exactly.

    They’re not spying on their own citizens, that would be illegal. They’re simply allowing other countries to spy on you (legal) and then they “share” data with each other.

    The net result is every FVEY agency doing an end run around laws that exist to prevent government intelligence from spying on its own citizens.

    Add in data brokers who buy all your data stolen by Facebook and Google and re-package it for sale and Big Brother can have all of the data that they would get from spying on you without being bothered by silly laws that prevent them from spying on you (they didn’t, the UK did).