Are you actively having a stroke? You were pretty politely informed and corrected and nowhere in the above responses were you attacked in anything but the most mild and tame interpretation of the word.
Are you actively having a stroke? You were pretty politely informed and corrected and nowhere in the above responses were you attacked in anything but the most mild and tame interpretation of the word.
No, it really and very obviously is not.
No, the best choice would have been to empower the one party that actually has, albeit often ignored but nevertheless significant, pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist members as part of its membership. And then to focus on improving that party and/or breaking up the duopoly along the natural and clear lines of opportunity present in the sole big tent party that’s left in US politics.
At the end of the day, there are no significant pro-Palestinian voices in the Republican party. There are in the Democratic party And that indisputable fact alone should inform a strategic vote.
That said, people are stupid and I don’t really blame non- and 3rd party voters for Democrats losing and the resulting shit show-- blame and culpability falls squarely on the many people who actually specifically voted for this. But it would be nice if those people would try to learn from and admit their incredibly disastrous error in judgement.
I really do think that a war of bald faced imperial oligarchic aggression would trigger the collapse of the union.
Ah, you seem to be engaging in bad faith. Oh, well, hopefully those reading at least now between understanding what these models are doing and can engage in more informed and coherent discussion on the subject. Good luck or whatever to you!
Regardless of training data, it isn’t matching to anything it’s found and squigglying shit up or whatever was implied. Diffusion models are trained to iteratively convert noise into an image based on text and the current iteration’s features. This is why they take multiple runs and also they do that thing where the image generation sort of transforms over multiple steps from a decreasingly undifferentiated soup of shape and color. My point was that they aren’t doing some search across the web, either externally or via internal storage of scraped training data, to “match” your prompt to something. They are iterating from a start of static noise through multiple passes to a “finished” image, where each pass’s transformation of the image components is a complex and dynamic probabilistic function built from, but not directly mapping to in any way we’d consider it, the training data.
That isn’t at all how something like a diffusion based model works actually.
Basically it means a certain of Mediterranean-adjacent appearance. There is definitely a phenotype, but, like most of these sorts of things, it’s a very broadly variable one. This is why I find it so frustrating when people racialize the the Israel-Palestine conflict. People with roots around the Mediterranean all look very similar.
The ADL is, and always has been, a metastasized cancer in the heart of Jewish culture. Find your local yiddishist group and tell the ADL to fucking take a nap on the beach at low tide.
Blame them both for different but still similarly terrible things. Fucking morons don’t escape culpability because they refuse to acknowledge how fucking dumb they are.
They’re basically the stupidest part of our population. I don’t think they’ll ever understand the connection between their idiotic voting behavior and the consequences of those choices. Remember–they’re fucking morons.
Bud, I’m too tired to care about arguing about reality with you. The entire settler movement and likudnik side of Israel is fully aligned with and happy about Trump. Disappearance of Gaza and West Bank entirely was extremely unlikely under Harris and is very likely under Trump. As is actual US troops side by side with IDF in the Levant in a very obvious very different way than they have been so far. Lot of people, perhaps an entire people, are very pprobability going to die.
Netanyahu expressly wanted a Trump administration and even closely corresponded with him during the campaign. Moreover, no, the outlook under Biden was nowhere near as dire as what it’s already shaping up to be under Trump, even if it was awful and an affront to any reason le persons conscience.
Ah, gotcha, yea the coverage of this has been awful. I know if I talk to my cousins about this, they’ll freak out about antisemitic violence in Europe rather than understand that this is pretty justified not even antizionist but anti-generalal-shithead violence.
I’m sure a lot has to do with your home server, but I don’t think I’ve seen a single post about this where the top comment hasn’t immediately clarified that this was most likely a reciprocal attack after these idiots were running havoc through Amsterdam. I’ve even seen mentions of them beating up an Arab cab driver (though haven’t seen anything to confirm, tbh).
I’m sick of this denial of voters culpability for their own votes. You are responsible for who you vote for and the outcomes. People voted for this and they are fundamentally responsible. Right now, folks just need to focus on making their local communities robust against the oncoming disasters.
However, it only survives in space for 22 minutes, but then it resets to its origin so no biggie.
Maybe I’m wrong, and definitely correct me if so, but I thought the houthis formed well before the Saudi lead effective genocide occurring in Yemen. In fact, the current conflict is the result of the houthis basically couping the preceding government? If that’s the case, it doesn’t make much sense to characterize them as a resistance or reactionary force to anything externally?
What Hamas did had a totally unsurprising result, as distressing as that is, that inevitably resulted in, and continues to result in, unacceptable civilian suffering. Moreover, even though Israel has slow walked towards a regressive ethnofascist state since at least the Rabin’s assassination, the October attack straight up merced whatever dwindling progressive peace activist movements on the Israeli side that were still continuing the struggle.
One can be anti-Zionist and pro-basic human decency without romanticizing a violent religious fundamentalist organization that has at this point done almost nothing but harm to the interests and well-being of the people whom it purports to be protecting.
No, i think I’m primarily going to blame the people who voted for Trump for Trump being elected.