Ok i guess so please don’t replace me with 10billion more homosapiens and extinct every other large mammal.
Ok i guess so please don’t replace me with 10billion more homosapiens and extinct every other large mammal.
There is a bunch of cults breeding like rabbits for sure, I don’t know what is us and them besides that we should protect and make better the land we were from and history has shown humans are a virus on the land killing biodiversity for shiny trinkets, so why bring more assholes here to pollute?
We shouldn’t support economic migration in our silly pyramid scheme system or we will end up turning canada into a desert too.
Have you been to the Canadian shield? You cant grow food on rock thats covered in snow 7+ months of the year. Overpopulating canada in our more temperate areas just leads to less farm land to continue to feed the world with.
Human overpopulation should be a huge concern.
It will live a lot longer then all of us and many of our descendants
I’m aware and hope for it, Christianity hopefully gets replaced with some ideas whereas you’re not required to have your head up own ass like it and its brother religion/cults