I can post the link to the book
I can post the link to the book
You gotta try to make a perfectly spaced dashed line down the page, as fast as you can. It’s a bit of a challenge and get all the I’s out of the way. Then the teacher can’t say boo.
Theres firestick apps that stream all the regular channels, plus all the premium channels. (HBO, showtime, stars, ppv, etc) Essentially for $10 - $20 a month you get the best, most decked out cable package one could buy. You may or may not have access to all the new and old movies, TV shows (from all the platforms), and porn, on demand, as well. Maybe like that?
It’s called The Tornado. They have them at a bunch of water parks in the states. So far, nobody’s been crazy enough to try that yet.
Pretty sure that big one is Yosemite.
Technically, it’s never been proven that deer can contract CWD from the ingestion of plants. Although, apparently mice and hamsters can.
But, prions suck. Even bleach won’t kill these bastards.
Hell, although there’s no real, strong evidence to suggest it actually has made the jump, and research has shown it would be really difficult, its probably not impossible. If you ENTERTAIN the stories about the people suspected of possibly contracting CWD, it’s even more scary. (Yes, I know the study does more to disprove human infection, than not, but it does a good job of outline suspected cases)
Invented for the 1939 world fair. Although, this picture looks more like it was taken in the 70s than the 40s.
Sooo back on reddit…
There is r/196. The rule of the sub is that if you visited it, you have to post a meme before you leave. These people are just following the rule.
The original Frito Burrito!
Seriously, what tf are they thinking?
It sounds like you caught it pretty early. Earlier than where it would be at for many pet parents.
Just give him love and encouragement, and do what you can to help him out. Try and reassure him the best you can through this uncertainty. Im sure hes just as confused about whats happening to him as you are. Sometimes things just happen. All you can do is to be the best friend to him that you can be and hopefully treatment will help.
You did good and you’re giving it all you got. That’s what counts.
Also, depending on the diagnosis, treatment needs, where your located, and your amount of resources, there maybe places with state of the art facilities that can help. Here we have Texas A&M. They can handle things like rare disease, chemo, dialysis, and complicated surgeries. If it looks like the appropriate thing to do, it maybe worth asking your vet if there’s someplace like that around you.
Good luck and I wish you guys the best.
There used to be this person i would see all over town. By town, I mean large city. I would see them in parks and even in friends apt complex parking lots. The last time, my friends saw them too, so i know i wasnt just crazy. They would be dressed, head to toe, like a white, or maybe light blue, bird. They would wear a one piece leotard, that covered thier hair / head and feet, and had feathered wings and maybe shoulders and head? Distinctly a bird, though. They would be like meditating, with thier arms outstretched up toward the sky, perfectly still. It started freaking me out cause I’d see them so much, just standing there, like a statue. Did I have a stalker? Was a bird person cult? Was it an art project? I had all these questions. I felt mildly harassed by this.