I’ve worked on DEI company groups before, all employee led. I can see some awkward argument around preferential treatment / reverse racism / whatever stupid term they want to use to cover bigotry. But internal employee groups that help build community are not causing the egg prices to go up. This is a waste of time and resources. Doesn’t the AG have more important tasks, like putting kids in cages or something?
I’ll vote for the underused Robin Hood meme formats.
Jordan Peterson is a hack philosopher who barely understands the source material he critiques. He does not understand Marx’s historical materialism in the slightest; his lectures on Christianity are more rambles than coherent points; and his claim to fame is getting upset over pronouns and riding that pony to the money train that is the alt-right pipeline. If you actually know these topics, it’s plain to see how shallow Peterson’s opinions and viewpoints are. He’s a great con-man—I’ll give him that.
Is it the Victorian mall ninja era?
Reddit been dead for awhile, homie. Welcome.