Can’t argue with that. I’m glad you’ve found something that you enjoy.
Can’t argue with that. I’m glad you’ve found something that you enjoy.
Yeah, it’s always fun to find out that a standard looking util on osx actually requires weird args and syntax.
I subscribe to the arch news letter, and they email me about potentially breaking changes like 4 times a year. Usually I don’t have to do anything about them but it’s good to be aware of, just in case.
I stopped using grub after that pain in the ass
Who cares if it’s normal or not. You do you
I think vr is on it’s way out anyways
I dunno, they pretty much all work the same for me.
Yeah, I couldn’t care less what language its written in
To add, our two major parties tend to adopt (to varying degrees of commitment) popular movements so they’re effectively already coalitions.
For example, Republicans tend to have Christian evangelicals and business interests.
Too many spoons when all you need is a knife
Just to cover the obvious:
It has to be in the same subnet as your router.
Yes, they are.
I believe this replaces esync and fsync. IIRC it’s slightly faster and has the benefit of being mainlined.
Wow works fine on Linux for me