Same, jam/jelly & peanut butter have two wildly different tastes & textures. I have no idea what lunatic decided to put the two spreads together but PB&J sandwhiches sound about as appetising as cranberry haddock
What is K-12? I’m assuming Kindergarten to 12 as in grade 12? That’s the US system right? You say you’ve never been to school in these grades. Are you saying that you didn’t do them because your country doesn’t use this system or have you just not done the equivalent of those grades at all?
I’m sure these are just things from the US. The only reason I know what a prom is is because of TV. Before that I only ever heard ‘prom’ as an abbreviation for promenade
I honestly don’t understand why people smoke this stuff. cigarretes & vapes smell horrible, there’s not even that many things to compare it to but its like car exhaust but worse. & I just can’t get why people smoke things like marijuana. Exactly what’s the point? Doesn’t it basically turn you into a zombie temprorarily or something like that?
Same here, it would be impossible since middle schools don’t exist where I’m from
The dual boot is simply there because I still on occasion need to use windows-only software. Otherwise, everything’ll be on Fedora. All I need to do is migrate some of my projects
UPDATE: issue fixed. My USB drive was probably an older format since after trying again unsuccessfully, I plugged it into another USB port which must be a backwards compatible port sonce after that it worked smoothly
i let it sit there for about 25 mins how long should it normally be taking? isnt initramfs a vey basic component this is strange since everything else takes only up to 5mins to install
and by the installation is fine I mean up until that step everything has been working fine. installing software/bootloadet
okay, installed with all the right options & it works. Thanks for your help
Okay so Just leave some unallocated space of tge size needed tge option to install alongsode windows will be tgere select that and itll install to the unallocated memory, without touching windows?
Let me check if I have this right. Once i have the USB and disc partition set up boot from the USB & go to the installer. Then select download alongside and chiose tge partition to install linux to?
okay, that’s done. Now what do I do? I am assuming we need to tell the PC to install linyx into that partition (& only that partition without erasing the entire drive)
about 90GB is left on C:\ but I’ll only need 30GB for my linux partition. Besides, I can always resize the partition later, right?
I have a 28GB D drive that seems to be being used for recovery and backups & a 210GB C drive, I could easily free about 30GB for another partition. I have the bootable USB set up.
Yes I have recovered windows & all my files completely now & that USB I used for windows (just bought one big enough for booting) should be able to be used for linux files, I can just transfer them over from the SD can’t I?
Actually It was completely wiped apart from a few fragments in the recovery D: drive & thanks to the disk management system being the worst I have ever seen, it put the C: drive into a 26GB partition instead of the 210GB that its supposed to be in which is now D:
I will try another Disto if I can. I restored windows too. Are there other, safer methods to do this if I only have one SSD. Also, If I do reinstall how do I tell the installer specifically which partition to use
I have been inside lots of trees, but I can’t think of anyone I know who has actually bothered to build or buy a treehouse