American here and I agree. Our government is a disaster right now so it’s better to focus on something actionable, like defeating Putin.
American here and I agree. Our government is a disaster right now so it’s better to focus on something actionable, like defeating Putin.
Not even M.C. Escher would jerk off to this lol
First existential crisis? There’s isn’t one. Once you make peace with that fact then you can overcome the existential dread of oblivion and move on content in the understanding that nothing you do matters in the long run, and focus your energy on something else.
Except he doesn’t really have unlimited money. Like most rich bastards he had assets - aka, hypothetical money (investments). They take out loans using that hypothetical money as collateral, and then have to pay that money back over time, which they can do by earning dividends (hypothetical money increases that they can access without penalties) or selling hypothetical money for real money (possibly with penalties).
Musk borrowed an enormous amount of money, which saddled the loaners with hypothetical money that began to decrease in value, and were this unable to profit by selling it for actual money. They therefore have to trust that Musk will repay these loans or else sell them at a loss to some other dumb bastard.
It’s like a cubist nightmare…
The least useful, biggest idiot.
One can? Lightweight.
I would laugh myself to death.
Okay not to downplay the fucked up reality of this situation, but does it bother anyone else that the Orange Idiot thinks Canada should be just one State? And one hostile to him and his party at that, out of spite if nothing else.
Good on ya fellas. Don’t allow our Orange Idiot fuck with you.
So now they’re death camps. Thanks asshole.
“realistic” lol
Enough that your abdomen would likely explode from the pressure. Which would make some percentage of your body fly, technically.
As fertilizer, mostly.
Wait a second, that’s not Sun Tzu!
I wish somebody in the military had the spine needed to arrest this particular threat to our nation.
Please just don’t nuke us. Most of us hate him.
Angry piss baby throws tantrum when told her can’t have new toy
I was gonna ask if she had gotten herself into an abusive relationship OP doesn’t know about.
Better than feeding off the dead bodies of children, like Republicans do.