Criminal negligence has entered the chat
Criminal negligence has entered the chat
They have some demos on their website
Hey! Another lvl 1 tech fan in the wild!
Now do Thevenins theorem
go ahead commie, touch it … I dare you
industrial military complex intensifies
I’m still trying to find out why his ass is white
surprised pikachu
You are partly right.
In short: The muscles use ATP to make energy, that reaction takes oxygen. When you’re not able to provide enough oxygen for the amount of atp that you want to convert into enrgy your body starts producing lactic acid which ends up in your stomac and you puke.
This is the same thing that happens when you run so much or so fast that you vomit. It means that you are pushing your muscles harder than your lungs can keep up with.
For a full accurate read check out this https://strengthmatters.com/anaerobic-lactic-energy-system/
I love the fact that “Toledo” is still correct, and laughed my ass at Quebec being bigger than Canada … poor Andorra
My brother in Christ. Get you an AIO water cooler. My 5900X was running at 95C till I got one 🤪
it does my heart good seeing a racing team using their exposure to bring awareness to a good cause
HARMS would like a word
Is that your orange son Dave? cause if so I love your tiktoks and I hope he gets his turn with the brain cell soon
Can’t have linux without a hint of elitism.
“Im much better than all my other friends who are still using Windows … yuck”
You test in dev? You mean you don’t have a Q&A environment? or staging?