You do this whole thing and never once tell us the super secret proper word for spelunking…
Disregard saw your other post…it’s called caving…
You do this whole thing and never once tell us the super secret proper word for spelunking…
Disregard saw your other post…it’s called caving…
I’ve smoked crack on Adderall and once on meth…wouldn’t recommend it’s just a bit too much both times I wanted to leave the house so bad but I knew I’d get myself in trouble because I felt like a mixture of Jesus Christ and the Hulk, nothing and no once could’ve stopped me…in my mind.
I don’t like you nor the way your mind works…
Gonna have to do a hell of a lot more than that if they’re actually trying to get away with it opposed to disrupting things for it/cybersecurity.
Not gonna lie bald smeagle eagle is pretty dope!
I read Don Quixote like 4 years ago and it was an amazing experience…laughed out loud multiple times and only one other book by George Carlin (his autobiography i believe) had done that to me although Stephen Colbert’s I am America and so can you almost had me there.
Excuse me… all of last podcast on the left episodes are good ones!
I prefer passing out in front of strangers and then shitting blood personally. Try it in that order you may be able to enjoy green onions again!
So that’s why I accomplish nothing and only have 29% well-being is I don’t have a wife to do it for me…
side note haven’t been to the doctors in years and last time I went it’s cause my girlfriend made me… at the same time, I’m the reason she could find her car keys, so fair trade, I guess…
If you don’t like waffles just say it…
I was so happy when some Korean ex military guy just fucking swung on him…heard the cops took the Korean guy but never filed charges.
As a member of the people’s front of Judea, I agree.
You know what’s cool about high school Hobbits? I keep getting older but they stay the same age…
Kitty like
Kitty get
Video graphics array connector and DB-9 connectors are not the same.
I loathe when the stand offs come out with the vga cable!!!
Better than not pulling em down at all
Quiche is amazing. Who doesn’t like eggs and ham/bacon? Hanging out with gurls, well yeah nothing straight about that…
The one and only thing was the way I held my wrists/hands when I was younger/into my teens. What’s super weird is it was my dad who brought it up and mentioned it a lot but he is super supportive of lgbtq+ that’s the weird thing to me.
I have gone to a couple lava flow caves and went to one in Central Oregon that I had to crawl through a tiny hole for about 5-6 feet not too bad but it opened up to this amazing little geode room thing…out of the ten of us only 4 of us went in there it was terrifying but worth it…turning off your flashlights in caves is something else!!!