Don’t forget to add a select before start if you want 30 lives for the player two as well.
Don’t forget to add a select before start if you want 30 lives for the player two as well.
This is the equivalent of modern day book burning.
No, he just bought the loudest bullhorn is all.
It’s a sad day. They all stay empty. Such a loss.
Can someone explain this one?
Ya, the biggest disappointment of Disney history. The Beast turning into some duffus guy was possibly one of the most traumatic memories of my childhood.
What, are you gonna fight my nine year old daughter? You’re probably gonna get hurt.
I’ve always been curious, do Hobbits have crazy high metabolism or extremely poor digestive systems? All those calories must be going somewhere, right?
This is the actual reason Musky is riding the Cheeto Train. If Harris wins sanctions and tariffs are much less likely and Tesla can’t actually compete on a global scale. But hey, I’m no financial expert.
Cries in US😩
GOP is absolutely not center right.
You’re thinking of an ender chest.
How do Americans eat with their knifes and forks?
Edit: Apparently my fellow Americans put the knife down after cutting and switch the fork to the hand that was holding the knife. I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed this. I always use my right(dominant) hand to cut with but then I just use the fork in my left to eat the food with. I know I’m an odd duck but I’m baffled by the utensil boogaloo that seems to be going on. Now I’m going to have to watch people around me eat. I’ll report back in a few weeks.
The cat never sees you eat and is concerned. The dog carries his food out to you for roughly the same reason, he wants you to know he is eating and you should not worry about him. It’s a social thing many animals do.
I read this as;
Didn’t they use large doses of nicotine?
Assistant to vice president Trump.