It sure does
It sure does
Idk Mark Rober has got that scam school thing going on now.
As you can clearly see on the map, the front is in Ukraine. One operation has pushed part of it into Russia from the Ukraine, but the front line remains on their home soil. The goal of the operation that pushed into Russia is to remove the foreign invaders from the Ukraine, so its purpose is also to support the fighting that exists on the front in the Ukraine, their home soil.
Well then they better fight hard to win the war sooner so they can get a start on making their country habitable again. Operating into Russia seems like the fastest way to achieve that.
The front is on their native soil, which they don’t need to be sent to. Thats where they already were, it’s their own country.
It’s not a side, nor is it a take. It’s literally just what you’ve done here today and literally everyone but you can see that.
Every single comment you’ve made has been to downplay the legitimacy of Ukraine’s fight to defend their home from Russian invaders. That is the goal of Russia, meaning every comment of yours is pro-Russian agenda.
The thread is about an operation on Russian soil, during a conflict exclusively over Ukrainian soil. One group operating just over the border in Russia in a defensive war doesn’t change the fact that the front line is in Ukraine. The objecting of the operation remains restoring the sovereignty of Ukraine.
Their homeland is in fact the front. Their homeland consists of the entire country of Ukraine. Even the forests and the fields. Even the ruins of their homes. Even the graves of their loved ones killed by Russian invaders. The homes may have been destroyed by Russia, but once the war is won the Ukraines can return there. That is the point.
Every single post in this thread of yours is nonsense. Blatantly illogical and poorly reasoned pro-Russia propaganda. Not a single one of your arguments has any basis in reality and none of your assertions are even coherent.
The front where they’re fighting in on their home soil. They don’t need to be “sent there”, it’s their homeland. They’re not invisible lines in a map, it’s their land, their homes. The homes of their families, their friends, their community, their countrymen. They’re fighting for eachother. It doesn’t get any more noble than that. Nobody lives there anymore because of the foreign invaders. If they win the war, people can live there again. That’s literally what they’re fighting for, not “The government”.
What do you mean “Sending them”? Send them where? The war is on their home soil. They don’t have to be “sent” anywhere. Even the guys who fought into Russia are doing so to get the Russians OUT of Ukraine.
And what do you mean Zelenskyy is sending them to die for “him”. The Ukrainian soldier aren’t dying for Zelenskyy. They’re fighting and dying for their friend, family, and countrymen raped and killed by foreign invaders.
The ruler of Ukraine is playing a game called “Defend my country from foreign invaders”.
Putin embarrassed himself by allowing it to get to this point. Russia is into year three of the war that was supposed to last a few days, over what is ostensibly his ego alone.
Yeah guy 2 wants “attention” support but he doesn’t want a problem so that he can get attention support. He already has the problem and simply wishes he had support from others. He also doesn’t want to be a victim. He already feels like a victim of his circumstance. The support from others would make him feel less like a victim and more like somebody who has overcome adversity.
No dude, the first guy wants an easy answer to how shit he feels, because an easy answer means an easy solution. Generally speaking, people don’t like having problems that are entirely outside of their own power to fix.
The second person doesn’t want the deficiency, they already have it and have been struggling with it for a long time and what they wish for is love and support from people, to have their struggle validated.
It’s like the difference between a successful day of back breaking work when you’re a slave, vs a day of back breaking work when you’re working for your own benefit. The validation of the self-work comes from the benefits you reap because of it. There is no validation for the exact same work if you’re a slave, because you didn’t choose to do the work and you don’t benefit either. A little empathy and respect from your fellow man for the good work you did that you were forced to endure for no benefit to yourself would be the only solace you can hope to receive and isn’t really a whole lot to ask for grand scheme of things.
Sorta but also as bad as insurance is, if you have any and go to the ER, an ambulance ride and an ER visit are generally flat rate and not an absurd amount of money. It all goes downhill once you’re fully hospitalized.
This was me except it was narcolepsy. Which isn’t as fun because it’s incurable and also largely untreatable. Most medications and aids are supportive, not corrective.
Bro what. A victim of vitamin deficiency? It might be high time for you take a break from being online and get some vitamin d
The oldest under 30 would have been 7 years old when Loss was posted.