If I were in your position, I wouldn’t have installed it. VT got 37 vendors to flag it.
And it’s very common for cracked programs to contain some malware, so my trust wasn’t high to begin with. I’m always skeptical about this kind of thing.
Dude it’s 37 vendors on VT aswell.
nice indeed
that’s so true! tho sometimes it can be interpretated as them laughing off at my mistakes.
this move is called “oopsie apparently my queen is hanging for 5 moves in a row but here’s a pawn capture”
yeah and other people here warned me about that so ig I’ll drop that idea.
let’s say I have found a new show I wanna watch, and host in my Jellyfin server. Let’s say I found a good magnet link. I don’t have it anywhere yet, so I’d prefer to download it directly to the server.
and not to my computer and then send to the server.
that’s so true. I once donated to Wikipedia (technically Wikimedia), and a year later they sent email after email trying to get me to re donate.
thanks I’ll take that into consideration!
I’ll try giving rsync a try
my internet is just not all that stable or fast. so day I wanna get there (my server) a big file, downloading it and then using ssh to upload it sounds like big trouble. if my connection suddenly shuts, or my computer goes in sleep mode.
So I’m thinking of ways to download directly to my server, without needing to send the files from my laptop.
agreed. overall in life, too.
yeah it’s good, but not in intention. like, if you made some mistakes in the beginning just don’t resign and still give your best.
everything might happen.
it’s what I use now, and I really love this app! so thanks again.
using the Kanban extension and it’s really good
the .ru domain probably got a lot cheaper after the war start, lol
is it open source?
As opposed to having a local copy of the data on your phone.