I think a lot of people assume that had it stuck around it would have eventually been applied to cable. But cable was a big new thing at the end of the 1970s early 1980s. Specifically because it didn’t have a lot of the regulation and restrictions that broadcast did.
I think a lot of people would have also assumed that the ERA would have been ratified by now. Or that a woman’s right to abortion would have been enshrined in law by now. But that didn’t happen either. So it’s never good to assume.
And then the real rub, what actually constitutes a Viewpoint worthy of being heard. Yes the fairness Doctrine was supposed to give other viewpoints air time. And it did. But not all of them. Fox News in fact was really good with this formula. Early Fox News often tried to provide the appearance of that sort of balance. Toe-headed Sean Hannity did not have his own show for a long long time. Granted the show was his in all but name. But for a long time he was saddled with a limp wet noodle Democrat. Who was little more than a foil for Sean to stomp over. But Alan Combs did provide some token Democrat views and pushback.
The equal representation was only as good as the honesty and the sincerity of the people behind allowing it. Which was often quite dubious itself.
I think we would have been better off had it stuck around as well. But I also think that we’ve somewhat arrived at the best of all situations. Where access to Media is much more democratized. You don’t have to rely on a big wealthy owner Etc allowing your Viewpoint to be heard. The modern problem is AI generated fire hoses of disinformation. They can output so much more misinformation through seemingly so many more Outlets than an actual person can. So it’s going to rely on a lot more word of mouth and Trust. People finding good journalists and presenters like coffee Zilla for instance and sharing them with others to help build up trusted networks of Representatives.