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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I think we would have been better off had it stuck around as well. But I also think that we’ve somewhat arrived at the best of all situations. Where access to Media is much more democratized. You don’t have to rely on a big wealthy owner Etc allowing your Viewpoint to be heard. The modern problem is AI generated fire hoses of disinformation. They can output so much more misinformation through seemingly so many more Outlets than an actual person can. So it’s going to rely on a lot more word of mouth and Trust. People finding good journalists and presenters like coffee Zilla for instance and sharing them with others to help build up trusted networks of Representatives.

  • I think a lot of people assume that had it stuck around it would have eventually been applied to cable. But cable was a big new thing at the end of the 1970s early 1980s. Specifically because it didn’t have a lot of the regulation and restrictions that broadcast did.

    I think a lot of people would have also assumed that the ERA would have been ratified by now. Or that a woman’s right to abortion would have been enshrined in law by now. But that didn’t happen either. So it’s never good to assume.

    And then the real rub, what actually constitutes a Viewpoint worthy of being heard. Yes the fairness Doctrine was supposed to give other viewpoints air time. And it did. But not all of them. Fox News in fact was really good with this formula. Early Fox News often tried to provide the appearance of that sort of balance. Toe-headed Sean Hannity did not have his own show for a long long time. Granted the show was his in all but name. But for a long time he was saddled with a limp wet noodle Democrat. Who was little more than a foil for Sean to stomp over. But Alan Combs did provide some token Democrat views and pushback.

    The equal representation was only as good as the honesty and the sincerity of the people behind allowing it. Which was often quite dubious itself.

  • Because our psychotic monkey brains have been groomed for Millennia and longer to worship power and wealth. You or I might feel that someone holding a position based on the merit. Should be because of their expertise and experience.

    Your average psychotic monkey brain however only views power and wealth as the only metrics for merit. Fundamentally ignoring and disregarding the fact that no one achieves those levels of wealth and power without being supremely disqualified for leadership and adoration. That sort of wealth is only generated from immoral unscrupulous exploitative systems. Even for example Taylor swift. You may like her. Think she does better than a lot of celebrities. And she may. But all that wealth that she has. Whether or not she did it herself was amassed through exploitation and manipulation.

    That said. Unlike most others. I think Swift is aware of just how unqualified she is as influential and looked to as she is. Trying to do her best in moderating her influence. Trying not to cause more damage. But for everyone like her there are tens if not thousands of others who would gladly exploit anyone looking up to them for more wealth and power.

  • Eeeeh, not really. I’m not particularly for a global currency. But a Global Currency that wasn’t controlled by oligarchs or a Vanguard. But instead by the global community. In a truly Democratic and representative way. Would be just fine. Though it’s not feasible In Our Lifetime our children’s lifetime or their children’s lifetime even at the very earliest. If ever.

    Replacing the US with China and the dollar with the yuan. Is at best a lateral move. And is still going to see just as many people if not more exploited. Remember China has spent the last 50 years exploiting their own population hardcore. And are now expanding into doing it internationally just like the United States did. Worse when these two groups who are all at least starting to stagnate right now by the way. Decide that they want to send innocent proletariat to die in the name of their hoarded wealth and power. It will absolutely be worse for all of us.

  • Absolutely. Anyone posting about Biden, Harris, or Democrats committing genocide etc. Especially still now. Is either just virtue signaling or trying to sew discord, and not actually interested in helping anyone but themselves.

    It was a disingenuous claim from the start. It really downplays what genocide is. I say this as someone who’s family has been subjected to various forms of genocide by the US government as recently as my grandparents.

    The US government as a whole has been enabling genocide in Palestine for at least a half century. And that’s shameful enough without false accusations. Well, they might become true now. But even then it’s not about any one person. Even Trump. He couldn’t do much without the craven, spineless and bigoted Republican party. And even they would struggle with out all the self-interested Democrats on the dole as well. The system is the problem. Swapping out any individual won’t even make a dent. And anyone who implies or acted like it would should have been ridiculed from the start.

  • No state under a vanguard party is Democratic. No state is communist either. When is emperor Xi’s next election? Is he enjoying the royal palace? Democratic my ass. Cuba factually has been under a military dictatorship for the last many decades. I think it’s better than many of the others would have been. If it only because Castro somehow managed to be less corrupted than most leninist dictators/vanguards. Which is why we should have no vanguards or oligarchs.

    Believe me I have no love for the US government. They stole my ancestors land. Marched them to death. Sent my grandmother to those quaint little Indian schools that practiced cultural genocide. And often actual genocide with mass graves out back. But that you think Lenin’s shit smells good. Lenin/Stalin actively helped Hitler invade my other ancestors home. Slaughtering family and neighbors. Then returning to Russia to slaughter more that lived there. Because the fucking vanguard perceived them as a threat. Passive genocide, active genocide, passive genocide, active genocide. They both suck. But somehow leninist apologia manages to always be more hypocritical and out of touch.