Do they have a roster of their international members? How could you prove that they’re a gang member?
It’s just racial profiling.
Pay attention to me! Ignore Luigi and Elon. I’m the news! I will have order!
Where’s GI Robot when you need him?
Basically it’s too late to stop the process. Even if we switched to renewables entirely, there will be a lag. That lag is now in a positive feedback loop.
What to say to avoid decapitation while formulating a plan, maybe
How do we know these were actual terrorists and not just random people that bought a pager?
They’ve classified infants as Hamas terrorists before so I’m a bit skeptical.
Jesus won’t come for his followers until after the great tribulation. So all these people believing in the rapture and post apocalyptic world are wrong. That’s why evangelical Christians don’t believe in global climate change because it won’t affect them if Jesus scoops them up before they face consequences.
So it’s basically the plot of The *Day After Tomorrow movie but over as longer time span.
Edited a word. Thank you
Was she a cop? It would be unfathomable for them to conceive losing fairly. Lol
Why is this not a NATO trigger? A legit question.
Yeah. They figure that SpEd students comprise about a certain percentage of the general population and set their quota based on that.
It’s the same reason that certain racial groups won’t get sent to discipline centers otherwise it seems that there’s too many POC in the alternative school.
Public schools do free screenings in other to qualify for special education or 504 school accommodations. This may only cover students in the district home area and not private school students or adults.
The down side is that some school districts have quotas on how much of the school population can be considered SpEd or 504. But a pediatric psychiatrist can make that determination regardless of the school diagnostician findings to justify accommodations.
The hypocrisy and manipulation made it impossible to worship with them next to me.
I graduated from oral Roberts University and was full in. But the leaders of the small church were more interested in holding power rather than helping people. Fox News had an article with a headline stating blue eyed people were smarter than brown eyed. Being Latino, I was annoyed at the article and started to question why I even thought that the right wing evangelical establishment cared about me. I was just used for the financial support and votes.