There are criteria to joining the EU that Ukraine is nowhere near matching (obviously, since they are at war). By the way, when are DC/PR becoming states?
There are criteria to joining the EU that Ukraine is nowhere near matching (obviously, since they are at war). By the way, when are DC/PR becoming states?
Are you kidding? The major achievement of the pact has been to stop wars among its members, something that the US highly appreciated after the WW. All presidents up to Trump have been in strong favour of the EU, and EU expansion. Obama campaigned against Brexit. Bush junior strongly pushed for expansion into Eastern Europe. They all realised how much they benefited from having strong allies. Incredible how quickly that lesson has been forgotten.
I guess?? In case of a medical emergency they would typically try to make an emergency landing (I hope??). So how did this person die, and how certain were they that they could not recessitate? Did it happen over sea or land? Honestly it raises a ton of questions.
You ask for a concrete action when we are no more than 16 days in. Ok let’s ignore that and pretend you are acting in good faith.
Let me ask you a question in return. It is my impression that you suffer from confirmation bias where you sat out the election because both sides were equally bad. I therefore think it would be good for you if you set a threshold. At what point will you accept that Trump is really worse than Kamala would have been?
We are 16 days in the Trump presidency and he has announced that he will clean the Gaza Strip from Palestinians. So within the first 16 days he has proven that the GOP has a radically different Middle East policy than Democrats, and you still continue to lie and state that both sides are the same. I am guessing you will keep this BoTH SiDeS conviction even if Trump nukes Gaza.
I agree in principle, but in practice it’s tricky. You must have courts that are strong enough to throw out election results if foreign interference can be proven. This has recently happened in Romania, but there are also many examples in which these laws were meaningless. The US is the obvious case where the 2016 election result should have been thrown out, but nothing happened. For the Brexit vote I think some pretty meaningless fines were handed out.
Another question is what should happen with foreign interference that is not financial in nature. For instance, Musk speaking at AFD, or the Meta algorithms pushing political content.
I don’t actually think the US would survive such a war. The trouble is that many states would defect. Can you imagine CA footing the bill for an invasion of Canada? Already a trade war is extremely dangerous. How easy would it be for, say NY, to sabotage the border controls?
When your main identity is nationalism it just doesn’t make sense to work together with any foreign leader.
The EU should prepare for a trade war, but it shouldn’t take the first shot.
Being a bit pedantic here, but the president cannot change the law as the article asserts.
Yes, to add you cannot impose targeted tariffs on Danish goods, as these are typically traded within the EU before going to the US.
If European countries somehow manage 5 percent, it’s Europe that should step out of NATO. At this moment I am half convinced it’s better to have a strategic alliance with China than with Trump.
This is not just an issue in translation. Anybody who summarises his speeches in English will struggle to extract the meaning. Reporting should always mention this issue in the first line. A disclaimer like: «it’s difficult to make heads or tails from Trumps speech do to his incoherent speech. Below is our best attempt.» should be a preface to all reporting.
It seems like you don’t care about what people think, conditional on them being somewhat accepting of your choices. For instance, until recently you could easily lose your job because students/parents found out you are gay. Trans people still face this reality in many states, and we are currently much more likely to regress than to progress.
With regard to the toilet: especially female-to-male trans people face a big issue that they look male (and are hence considered predators in female toilets), but are banned from using male toilets. This may seem like a minor issue if you aren’t affected, but in practice it’s a big deal.
Weird question. You aren’t affected by it, until you are I guess. For instance, can you take your partner to company events where others bring their partners? Can you take the toilet that fits your gender identity? How will your boss/coworkers feel about you when they inevitably find out about your sexual orientation? Nice that you think you can separate your identity from your job, but let’s see how your coworkers feel.
The bigger issue is that it’s quite easy to “hide” that you are foreign. To do so, simply set up a holding in Spain that buys the house on your behalf.
I do think it’s a bit more subtle than that. Throughout history people of all faiths, including Jews, Christians and Muslims and of various nations including Arabs, Kurds, Turks and Persians, have made the Middle East their home. The overall division of land at this moment implies that only a tiny slice goes to the Jews. I think realistically after WWII the parties could have come together to discuss independence from the UK in conjunction with a slice of land for the Jews.
Of course, what happened instead was that the English gave land that was highly contested by all to the Jews, without any attempt at asking the opinion of the people living there.
Yes I totally understand that there are cold places on earth, but I feel like few here understand the meaning of the term major city./s
More seriously I am sure that 90 percent of the world’s population lives in areas where heat pumps are the most efficient method of heating/cooling.
-40 sounds insane. There are very few major cities with such cold temperatures. Outside of such extreme locations, heat pumps are very competitive to gas heating if not simply cheaper.
Mandatory pro-GMO video https://youtu.be/7TmcXYp8xu4 TLDR: all our food is genetically manipulated. GMO is simply a method to make better targeted interventions.