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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2023


  • This is how I water them at home.

    Put plant in sink. Soak with water. Allow to drain. Use draining as an excuse not to do dishes. Get irritated with myself for not putting the plant back as I catch myself needing to drain the pasta I’m cooking for dinner so I shuffle shit around while almost burning myself. Put plant back.

  • My understanding is that if the food is easily swallow sized, they may unintentionally crunch as they maneuver the food around their mouths to position it to be swallowed, but not out of necessity. If the food is larger, sure they’ll break it up so they can swallow it easier. But by nature, cats aren’t animals that need to chew food for grinding and digestive purposes (like animals that have flat/grinding molars.) As long as they can swallow it, they don’t need to chew.

  • Perfectly fine.

    My cat had the same tooth removal surgery a couple years ago (he was adopted with a mouth full of teeth where most were about to fall out). He was on soft food for about 2-3 weeks before he started picking at his dry food again. Now he gets a portion of wet food every morning, and free feeds dry all day.

    What I learned from the vet is that cats use their teeth mainly to rip meat off their prey so they can swallow it, and not really to chew. So if they’re presented with food that’s an appropriate size to swallow, they just swallow it.