Calling people stupid isn’t persecuting them.
Calling people stupid isn’t persecuting them.
You choose to believe in your stupid religion. You don’t choose to be a race or sexual orientation so you’re making a false equivalency
It’s predictable because the religious are mentally ill and dangerous
I didn’t know this was an ADD thing
But this is so me
Which is different from Kuru but the effect is the same
Avoid the nervous system, internal organs that aren’t heart, lungs or liver, lymphatic and glandular systems and you eliminate prion disease worries
Legalise drugs and you collapse the cartels
Yeah. Reads like the same shit the CIA has been doing since there’s been a CIA
You were downvoted to 0 when I got here. Poor little xtians getting their feelings hurt
People who believe in a fairy sky daddy are mentally ill and shouldn’t be allowed to hold office or control resources.
Vigilantism is often the only way to get justice. Especially when the police are the ones you need justice from
Inciting hate isn’t a crime. It’s free speech. He’s not persecuting anyone, just protesting against the religious who want to persecute others by banning people from blasphemy.
If I could I’d have ever parebt who takes a kid to a religious service arrested for child abuse. That’s persecution.