Wow! What a dick! Not only breaks someone else’s axe but outright offers his own axe to someone else instead of offering it as a replacement!
Wow! What a dick! Not only breaks someone else’s axe but outright offers his own axe to someone else instead of offering it as a replacement!
Because Russia has been so good at only hitting military facilities in Ukraine so far.
You seem to be under the impression that there’s only 2 agruments here when in reality there is at least 3.
Your interpretation seems to be that Either Vigilante justice is never OK, or vigilante justice is always OK.
No one here is arguing that vigilante justice is always OK.
The argument here is between vigilante justice is always OK, and vigilante justice is sometimes OK.
The examples of slave revolts and lynchings of black people both fall into the camp of sometimes. Slave revolts are always morally good, while racist lynchings of black people are always not morally good. Both were illegal at the same time, but at no point is it argued that both are always morally good.
Drone racing applies particularly here!
“seriously wormtongue, you need to go outside more often”
“he’s a smart kid, he just needs to apply himself” and “but you know what to do here, I’ve seen you do it so why are you having problems with it now?”
Both are things I’ve heard constantly through my life. Made me feel horrible about myself every single time because I didn’t understand why at the time either.
Most of my teachers just assumed I was pissing about behind their backs and would ask me “you must know why you haven’t been able to complete the work/homework/task” even if I had been listening and really trying.
Took the whole of primary school and the first year of secondary school before I actually got a teacher who understood and helped me to actually get somewhere.
Still not officially diagnosed just because of how shockingly bad adult ADHD diagnosis is in the UK and not being able to go private but most all the techniques I’ve used have worked and I think almost any GP that would look at me would probably agree.
Just to say, anyone who might be reading this and can imagine themselves saying/have said these in the past, please don’t. You have no idea how unhelpful/damaging talking like this can actually be to someone who really needs the extra support.
I’ve had a brother printer going on 10 years and it’s never let me down. I’ve changed toner three times over that time and each cart has never cost me more than 20 ish quid. No DRM carts, no jamming, no subscriptions just a printer that does its job. Even when it’s running low, it doesn’t prevent me printing, it’ll let me know it’s low then keep on printing until you can’t see the letters any more.
Hearing specialist (evil)