You would think, but Muskrat told all the advertisers to fuck off and now they are slowly crawling back to him.
You would think, but Muskrat told all the advertisers to fuck off and now they are slowly crawling back to him.
There is lots of money left, but after you used the cheat code and have unlimited money what is the point for a megalomaniac. The only way he can move forward is to make everyone poorer. This is the new plan.
Did he not considering the staggering cost to relocate and then take care of millions of people? The logistics, rehousing, and stabilization could cost 50k per person easily. That could be 100 billion dollars initially and that is just the start of the cost.
Who is going to pay for this stupid poorly thought up plan. Oh wait, I get it, the poor American worker. Looks like it is time to tighten our belts so Aotus can start his next beach front development gig.
Because they are stupid and easily influenced by propaganda.
As global warming advances and the vast majority of US farmland becomes to arid to produce crops the land in Canada will be invaluable.
It is almost like a bunch of wealthy people are orchestrating all this around the world. It is like pre-WWII all over again. I suppose this is the ultimate reason wealth inequality is so bad for society. For some reason when people are worth so much more than others monetarily it goes to their head.
I hope the German people can get through this.
Back during his last presidency Aotus put the Drug Free Communities Grant on hold that I wrote for. I couldn’t keep paying myself and I had to find a new job. Months later after I had already found a new job my grant was finally approved. Totally fucked me and my community over.
I have news for you. His legal team already argued that Native Americans are actually not US citizens since they belong to sovereign nations.
Thank you for that perspective. It is sad to see all that diligence being chipped away.
That is a poor point and allowing it to spread is the reality we are actually facing.
Case in point. Germany has been tightly controlling this for several decades. Is their society now overran by Nazi rhetoric? The answer is no.
Once someone buys into Nazi rhetoric it can take decades to deprogram them. How do you suggest this to be done when it takes far shorter amount of time to spread their rhetoric?
I love threads like this. I can now block all the people who are here to lie and manipulate us. They are not here to have honest conversations.
A large portion of a lot of our lives is in the digital world. Having the right to control your software is a no brainer. I am reminded this every time I use my Windows 11 laptop and get interrupted by an ad for Microsoft or some other company whose software I have installed.
It really reminds of those early days on the web where your browser could be hijacked by pop-ups.
Also eerily similar to when Germany demanded all the countries take in the Jews and they all refused.
No no no he is going to stop all taxes, pay off the national debt, bring manufacturing back to the US, and build a Nazi mars base for Elon.
They are just trying to bring order to our one world.
The industrial military complex tips its hat and smiles.
No no no, you must charge every user with willful commercial infringement and penalize them $250,000 per violation. It is the American way!
Yes, yes it is.
For sure, you just need to travel back in time thirty years for any place you would want to live.