ELI5 the Marlboro part? I get that Mitsubishi manufactures just about everything but unsure what I am missing lol
ELI5 the Marlboro part? I get that Mitsubishi manufactures just about everything but unsure what I am missing lol
Interesting… I went to an Austrian bank and now I’m suddenly seeing double!
Burn the house down and then there’s no more hole
I’ve got duo; we had to have it at my uni for 2FA for our school emails. As far as I can tell it really isn’t very invasive. That said, I do think it tracks general location but I don’t believe it goes further than that.
My uni used Ubuntu in the CompE computer labs; unfortunately all other labs were windows. But the introduction to Linux was certainly nice!
Oh, of course. There are negatives to everything for sure. But I think as a whole it’s made life better in a lot of different ways.
Near-infinite access to pretty much any information you can possibly dream of, content, questions, etc, on a little device in your pocket
Sue-dough & s-s-h here. Can’t speak to zsh yet, haven’t actually talked about it w/ others yet. How about /etc/? Sometimes I call it “e-t-c” but others I say “etsee”
If Google had a baby she would drop it on its head spike it at the ground
Thank you! That makes much more sense.
I started with C++ too, and then ended up finding a job writing firmware pretty much all in C. There really hasn’t been anything we’ve run into that’s made us consider switching to C++; being able to (and needing to) have complete control over your memory means you can do some pretty fancy stuff with the tiny amounts of memory on our ASICs.
We’ve been eyeballing switching to rust a little bit, but really only for other applications; the root of our main code base is over 25 years old at this point and a rewrite would take a Herculean effort.
Meh? I write pretty much exclusively in C and honestly I still like C++ better, and wouldn’t mind switching to Rust either
…absolutely, positively, super false. I work in a sector where we’re constantly dealing with huge capacity enterprise SSDs - 15 and 30 terabytes at times. Always using RAID. It’s not even a question. Not only can you have controller malfunctions, but even though you’ve got what’s known as “over provisioning” on the SSDs, you still need to watch out for total disk failures!
How pedantic do we get to be? Like, I’d be fine with flying because I could just hover a millimeter from the ground instead of standing, I would think