Interessante Vignette.
Maske tragen ist hier mindestens dreifach wie Veganismus.
Interessante Vignette.
Maske tragen ist hier mindestens dreifach wie Veganismus.
“nothing really tastes [etc], it’s just your brain’s interpretation”
1 that brain is you
2 the interpretation constitutes the fact that it tastes or whatever, what else could that even mean?
If that’s where that person ends up after “thinking too much”…
“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.”
What, she’s not very tall?
Those of us are wrong, then. Fascism isn’t some inherently abstract force of nature, it’s people and organizations of people. Those social structures can be disrupted, and the major question whose answer determines the means of disruption is whether the earlier responses were appropriately timed and powered.
I prefer the situation where fascist-attitude people are individuals who need treatment rather than one where fascism is not just an attitude of individuals but a structural problem requiring e.g. law enforcement involvement or even a full-societal issue requiring outside military involvement.
Didn’t they largely leave to join the BSW querfront? I actually don’t know the numbers, but at least some of the more prominent RF aligned people left the Left.
The ease with which they can build such structures would go down. Building while hiding is harder than building while not having to hide.
Having central coordination, for example in the form of a party or some other form of organization, means that strategic goals can be planned for and resources acquired and allocated in a more efficient manner. The previous bigger neonazi party, the NPD, fulfilled that role for quite a while.
Organizations and people are not that interchangeable for these purposes. Workflows, institutional memory, leadership all matter. That’s why targeted assassinations of leadership even in cell-like structures can meaningfully disrupt e.g. terrorist organizations’ effectiveness. Similar things can be accomplished by simply disrupting business-as-usual.
You used a Germanism. Do you have a Betriebsrat?
Also, don’t make introversion your entire personality.
The fastest way do get from A to B is not a straight line but to bone C.
Or they are geodesics in non-euclidian space.
I… don’t know what this implies.
Basierend auf dem was du schreibst: Scholz ~ Merz